The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 403 I won't bother Yuanyuan again

Chapter 403 I won't bother Yuanyuan again

Yu Jinxiao, who was eavesdropping behind the rockery, felt creepy.

Can this little cub really find someone by smell? ?
Shouldn't it just be a casual talk?

Yu Jinxiao quietly sniffed the clothes on his body, there was no smell at all!

In the next second, da da da's small steps circled behind the rockery, and Yu Yuanyuan's milk whimpering sound made Yu Jinxiao get goosebumps like chanting a spell.

"Baba Baba, you are really here!" Xiao Zaizai caught Yu Jinxiao right on the spot.

But when she saw her father's serious face, Yu Yuanyuan suddenly thought of something, and let out an "ohhhhh" to herself.

She retreated outside, like a small animal that made a mistake, shyly stood beside Shen Ji obediently and did not speak again.

Those cautious little eyes seemed to have discovered some terrible secret of hers.

Now that they were all found, Yu Jinxiao didn't want to hide anymore, so he simply walked out from behind the rockery, folded his arms and asked Yu Yuanyuan, "What are you doing here?"

"Yuanyuan..." Xiao Zaizai wanted to explain subconsciously, but suddenly remembered the agreement he had made with Shen Ji's brother, and immediately covered his mouth, "Yuanyuan can't say that."

Yu Jinxiao snorted lightly, crossed his arms: "Why can't you say it?"

"Yuanyuan promised..." The voice stopped suddenly, Xiao Zaizai glanced at Shen Ji quietly from the corner of his eye, and then lowered his voice again, "Yuanyuan promised you can't say anything."

"Isn't that just learning arithmetic there?" Yu Jinxiao only thought it was funny, and even this little thing should be treated as some kind of big secret.

The little boy who was exposed in an instant: "!!!!"

Shen Ji knew that he couldn't hide the matter, so he lowered his body apologetically: "I'm sorry, Mr. Yu, I saw that Yuanyuan seemed to be struggling with arithmetic, so I offered to give her tutoring, half an hour a day, and leave after tutoring."

Cubs are still young, many things will be decided by adults, but they themselves only have a little decision-making power in their hands.

Facing Yu Jinxiao's serious expression, Shen Ji subconsciously thought that he had done something wrong.

It doesn't matter if he is scolded, but he doesn't want Yu Yuanyuan to be scolded.

It can be seen from the usual contact that Xiao Zai Zai is very afraid of being scolded by his father, and in Yu Yuanyuan's heart, this is a big deal.

Shen Ji didn't want to make her sad because of him.

Even if the pain and sorrow of the whole world were on him alone, Shen Ji would not cry out.

But if Yu Yuanyuan is even slightly unhappy, his world will be in chaos.

Xiao Zai Zai, who is gradually able to read a little bit of air, feels his father's sternness, and that aura is definitely not like it would be when he was "happy".

Yu Yuanyuan was afraid that Shen Ji's brother would be scolded, so she moved her small body to Baba's side, and gently tugged at her father's trouser legs: "Baba, don't blame Shen Ji's brother, Yuanyuan's arithmetic is too bad, Yuanyuan wants to do it better." A little bit..."

The two children, one tall and one short, stood in place with their heads lowered, as if they had done something terribly wrong, and the atmosphere was oppressive and dignified.

"Sorry, Mr. Yu," Shen Ji saw that Yu Jinxiao was silent, and thought he was waiting for him to express his attitude, "I won't bother Yuanyuan again in the future."

"Ah? Brother Shen Ji won't come to teach Yuanyuan in the future?" The astonished little boy turned his head, his eyes were red, "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooery of."

Shen Ji really wanted to gently explain to Xiao Zai Zai that this is not a matter of hard work, but a person who is used to being in a high position, I am afraid that he does not like others to arrange things outside of his decision behind his back.

"That's all?" Yu Jinxiao snorted softly, his brows furrowed even deeper.

(End of this chapter)

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