The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 404 It's So Decided

Chapter 404 It's So Decided
Hearing these words, Shen Ji's heart tightened, and he lowered his gaze, not daring to raise his head to offend Yu Jinxiao.

From childhood to adulthood, Shen Ji has never met anyone who treats him well.

He is also used to not accepting other people's kindness, and not caring about anyone in his heart.

But Yu Jinxiao was different.

He is Yuanyuan's father and has helped him a lot.

Even the last time he encountered danger outside the video game store, he would not hesitate to protect him.

In Shen Ji's heart, subconsciously regarded Yu Jinxiao as a very respectable elder.

Shen Ji couldn't care less about letting the respected person down on him.

"Then dad...what do you want?" Only Yu Yuanyuan had the courage to ask this question under pressure at such a time.

Xiao Zai Zai awkwardly tugged at his hands, his feet trembling with nervousness.

"Starting from tomorrow," Yu Jinxiao raised his head aggressively, scaring the children into gasping for air, "I asked Aunt Chen to clean up a study room for Yuanyuan, and prepare tables and chairs suitable for her height. Don’t come here to study, just go home.”

"Pull!!" The dejected little cub felt like he had been pumped for an instant, and wanted to cheer happily.

Seeing that Shen Ji didn't speak, Yu Jinxiao said again: "Don't worry, I will pay you for your hard work."

"Mr. Yu, it's not about the reward..." From the very beginning, Shen Ji didn't want to take any advantage of helping Xiao Zai Zai's tutoring. He didn't want Yu Jinxiao to feel that he did these things just to get paid.

"Although you are still young, you should remember one thing," Yu Jinxiao interrupted Shen Ji forcefully without waiting for Shen Ji to continue, "Many things in life are no different from doing business, as long as you pay For your efforts, you should be paid as a matter of course. This is a kind of fairness, not an insult or a philistine."

Although it was not easy to understand, Yu Yuanyuan also humbly learned from the side.

She blinked her eyes and asked, "Is it true that Yuanyuan can reap newspaper ducks after she has worked so hard?"

"That's called reward," Yu Jinxiao corrected blankly, already used to this split thinking, "but the world will not be so smooth, not everyone is rewarded for their hard work. For example, no matter how hard you work, you can't eat ice cream this season. "

The little cub who had been seen through obediently lowered his head, staring at his toes and grinding the soles of his shoes.

Shen Ji didn't speak, he was still trying to figure out how to convince Yu Jinxiao that he had no other purpose.

Ever since Shen Ji got to know him, Yu Jinxiao seems to have his own set of rules in his dictionary, some things must come and go, and there is a purpose in giving.

But Shen Ji didn't want others to treat his relationship with Xiao Zai Zai as a transaction, and he didn't want people he respected to think that he had such thoughts.

"Shen Ji, if you can really teach Yu Yuanyuan those things, then you deserve the reward," Yu Jinxiao said, resting his forehead tiredly, "Anyway, there is no one at home who can teach her."

"Yu Mingxi's grades are also..."

"Farewell, Mingxi is not in good health."

This statement is exactly the same as what Yu Zaizai said before!
So teaching Yuanyuan is such a terrible thing?

"However, I want to revise the tutoring time." Yu Jinxiao's condition was a kind of reassurance for Shen Ji, "Half an hour seems to be a little short, so you can come home at [-]:[-] and help her with her homework first, and stay After dinner, you can make up for her weakest content."

When he heard that he wanted to stay for dinner, Shen Ji immediately wanted to decline.

But Yu Jinxiao's expression was unquestionable, but refusal seemed to make him unhappy.

"It's decided."

(End of this chapter)

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