The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 406 Yuanyuan is not stupid at all

Chapter 406 Yuanyuan is not stupid at all
Shen Ji saw what it was through the dim streetlight at a glance, and didn't answer: "Mr. Gao, what's the matter?"

"This is from Mr. Yu." After finishing speaking, Gao Zhou took out another stack of contract-like things, "This is the contract. If you read it and it's ok, just sign it. That card has already been signed for you. Half a year's remuneration for supplementary lessons."

The contract is very formal, it can be seen that Yu Jinxiao really wants to dispel his worries.

This is not a kind of charity, but a reciprocal pay and harvest.

"But, you don't need to call in advance," Shen Ji said after reading the contract, "I mean, there is no such rule in the market as advance payment."

"What's the matter, Mr. Yu can decide what he wants, the main reason is..." Gao Zhou stopped abruptly, as if he mentioned some secret that is not suitable to be revealed.

Shen Ji didn't sign, just looked at him like that, those eyes were clearly waiting for his next words.

Gao Zhou smiled embarrassedly, touched his head and said, "It's also written in the contract that you need to guarantee Miss Yuanyuan's homework and studies in the future. Of course, I believe that you will never be perfunctory, little brother. Most importantly, Yu Mister is afraid that you will run away after working for a month or two, so there is a very important stipulation in the contract... that is, money advance, but you must work for a full year."

It can be seen that Yu Jinxiao has a lot of headaches about teaching Xiao Zai Zai. Seeing that someone is willing to teach his daughter, Yu Jinxiao will keep this person even if he pays in advance.

Shen Ji could probably guess why, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will teach Yuanyuan well."

"Hey, the kindergarten is going to have tutoring, Miss Yuanyuan is so pitiful." Gao Zhou sighed sadly.

When he was in kindergarten, he only knew how to eat and play, how could he be so introverted.

"Yuanyuan's kindergarten is not an ordinary kindergarten. It has advanced teaching content." Shen Ji also hopes that Xiao Zai Zai can have fun and be happy every day, but in this world, a person must be judged by good or bad.

Besides, her father is Yu Jinxiao, even if she can do whatever she wants when she grows up, if she is at the bottom, she will be ridiculed behind her back.

Moreover, Shen Ji felt that Yuanyuan was not stupid at all, she was just too young, unable to concentrate so easily, and always forgot some things she had learned.

As long as she is willing to spend patience, Yu Yuanyuan will definitely become very good.

Shen Ji is just the one who can give her all the patience.

It was too late that day, and after signing the contract, Shen Ji didn't have time to go to the bank to check the money in the card.

On the way to Yu's house after school the next day, he stopped by the bank and was immediately shocked by the amount inside.

From childhood to adulthood, his pocket money has been scraped out bit by bit, and it is difficult to even buy a snack, let alone buy a book or something.

The amount Yu Jinxiao paid was a huge sum of money to him.

Subconsciously, Shen Ji really wanted to call and talk to Yu Jinxiao, but he calmed down soon.

As far as he knows, the cost of supplementary lessons for students in the school is even higher, and rich families never hesitate to spend money on children.

Since Mr. Yu thinks that this is the market price he understands, if he repeatedly disturbs Mr. Yu because of this, even Shen Ji himself will feel that it is an offense.

However, this money... is indeed what he needs, and it can help him a lot.

Xiao Zai Zai, who came home from school that day, had already changed his clothes, obediently scribbling and drawing in the study room, waiting for Teacher Shen Ji to come to tutor him.

At 17:30 on time, Shen Ji appeared at the door of the study room.

Xiao Zaizai waved his claws to welcome brother Shen Ji, and suddenly felt that brother Shen Ji was a little different from usual.

(End of this chapter)

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