The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 407 Shen Ji's Intentions

Chapter 407 Shen Ji's Intentions

Usually, Shen Ji seldom put a smile on his face, his expression was indifferent, as if nothing could arouse his interest, and his mood was very calm.

But today's Shen Ji is very different.

At the moment he entered the door, there was a special joy in his eyes, he walked to the table and pulled a chair to sit down.

Even the silly little Zai Zai could smell that Shen Ji was in a good mood today.

"Yuanyuan, don't make that phone call to find me in the future." Shen Ji said suddenly, his words seemed to slam on the little cub's head.

The little Zaizai, who was hit hard, looked frustrated: "Why?"

It was only then that Shen Ji realized that he had made a mistake. He held her little paw with a smile, called up the number stored on it, and deleted each number one by one: "Because, I have my own mobile phone, and Yuanyuan will call this number in the future. new number."

"Wow, a new phone!" Xiao Zaizai's dim eyes regained light, "Is it true that brother Shen Ji will be the only one to answer calls on this phone in the future?"

"Well, this is a mobile phone number that I use alone, and no one else will answer it."


For Yu Yuanyuan, she no longer has to worry about hearing the harsh voice when she calls in the future!
He has never spent money extravagantly, but when it comes to buying a mobile phone, Shen Ji hardly hesitates.

He is not the only one answering the landline at home, and the time when Yu Yuanyuan calls is also uncertain, if someone else answers, it is inevitable that she will be scolded harshly.

Thinking that Yu Yuanyuan might be wronged, Shen Ji chose a mid-priced smartphone without hesitation.

The first thing to do was to save Xiao Zai Zai Zai Zai's phone number, and by the way, log in to the mailbox to download the cute singing performance video.

The biggest significance of the mobile phone to Shen Ji is nothing more than this.

When Yu Mingxi came back, he bumped into Shen Ji giving Yu Yuanyuan a tutor.

He didn't go in to disturb, but eavesdropped quietly by the door for a while, and couldn't help sighing.

If it were for Yu Yingze and his father, they would have been tyrannosaurus long ago, and only Shen Ji had the patience to repeatedly give examples and guide, and help Yu Yuanyuan use her little brain to understand.

In particular, for the things that were taught just yesterday, Yu Yuanyuan may stare at you and reply to you in confusion: "Huh?"

Anyone can instantly raise their blood pressure.

Shen Ji would not do that.

There was no trace of impatience in his voice, he neither announced the answer immediately, nor blamed Xiao Yuanyuan for not remembering yesterday's content, but guided her to recall and think.

After eavesdropping by the door, Yu Mingxi also found that Shen Ji was quietly setting memory points for Xiao Zai Zai.

For example, when explaining some important content, he will deliberately mention some things that Xiao Zai Zai likes to eat, or do something that can arouse her interest.

It is much easier to guide Xiao Zai Zai to recall.

These small details moisten things silently, but Yu Mingxi can clearly see Shen Ji's intentions.

Today was the first day for Shen Ji to come to home for tutoring. When Yu Jinxiao came back, he heard voices in the study room. It seemed to be quite peaceful, not like being angry.

But as he listened, he realized that something was wrong.

It was not Yu Yuanyuan who spoke in the study room, but Yu Mingxi.

When Yu Jinxiao came to the door, he saw Yu Mingxi sitting where Yu Yuanyuan should be, and Xiao Zai Zai lying on the small sofa next to him, playing with his hair crookedly.

The two teenagers were staring at a test paper, and the discussion was in full swing.

Glancing at his father from the corner of his eye, Yu Mingxi raised his head excitedly and said, "Dad, Shen Ji is so good, he knows senior grade questions!"

Yu Jinxiao: So?For a share of money, he can find a Shen Ji who can tutor two children?

(End of this chapter)

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