The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 408 Dad is a liar!

Chapter 408 Dad is a liar!

Xiao Zai Zai's tutoring has ended, and it is Yu Mingxi who is exchanging questions with Shen Ji.

Regarding this result, Yu Jinxiao was a little surprised, and after holding back for a long time, he uttered a word: "Oh."

What else could he do but oh?
It can't be admitted that he let a child do the tutoring that an adult can't do, and he can even do one-on-two tutoring.

However, Yu Mingxi was not being tutored in one direction, but more exchanged and discussed with each other to find different ways of solving problems.

"Brother~~Brother Shen Ji~~ What are you guys discussing, Yuanyuan also wants to know." The little boy who played alone on the sofa for a while was so bored, he ran forward and broke his head from between the two of them, like a Like a small sprouting potato, look left, look right.

Forgetting that Yu Yuanyuan is still young and can't understand anything, Yu Mingxi showed her the paper full of sketches: "Brother is discussing with Shen Ji about the problem we encountered at school today."


What are the things drawn on the paper, there are so many strange symbols, and there are many words that she doesn't know at all! ! !
Yu Yuanyuan felt that the things above could hypnotize her. After staring at it for a long time, her head became more and more dizzy, and the only thing she could understand was a series of numbers.

But why are those numbers sometimes on the top and sometimes below, her little head can't keep up with the rhythm at all.

The two smart children seem to have met a bosom friend. In addition to chatting about the topic, they also talked about the books they read outside of class.

Yu Mingxi ran back to the room, took out several books he liked, stuffed them all into Shen Ji's schoolbag, and said that he would lend them to him.

The kindness is hard to come by, Shen Ji could only thank him, and hugged his heavy schoolbag silently.

When it was time for dinner, the atmosphere at the table seemed to be more lively than ever. Although there was only one more person, Yu Mingxi, who was usually quiet, was much more talkative than usual. chatterbox.

There is half an hour of tutoring time after dinner.

Yu Jinxiao didn't urge him, he was afraid that Yu Yuanyuan would learn to support himself after eating that little glutinous rice ball.

After playing with Dahua in the yard for a while, Yu Yuanyuan was blasted into the study room, obediently accepting the last study of the day.

However, the tutor was Brother Shen Ji, and Yu Yuanyuan's expression of sitting at the table was no longer as hopeless as before.

"Can Yuanyuan write her own name?" Shen Ji felt that Yuanyuan was getting tired of learning arithmetic, and wanted to give her a different practice.

Yu Yuanyuan's round claws held the pen, and honestly shook her head: "No, but Yuanyuan knows it when she sees it!"

"That Yuanyuan is also very powerful," Shen Ji said with a smile, "How did Yuanyuan remember it?"

"Remember the shape!"

It seems that this little brain is not stupid.

Shen Ji first wrote Yu Yuanyuan's name on the side, leaving a space for her: "This is Yuanyuan's name, do you want to try writing it?"

"Okay, okay." Xiao Zaizai was very happy to learn new things.

It's just that the little guy who can't even draw a straight line seems to be expanding the encirclement when he writes.

The space Shen Ji left was not enough. It took half of the A4 size paper to finish writing the three characters "Yu Yuanyuan".

Perhaps it should be said that it is not writing, but painting.

If it wasn't for the demonstration written by himself, Shen Ji would suspect that she wrote "Yue BOO".

"Brother Shen Ji, Yuanyuan wants to learn Baba's name!" Xiao Zaizai shook his little feet, pulling back Shen Ji's thoughts of being dazed about the words.

Shen Ji nodded, and wrote "Yu Jinxiao" next to Xiao Zai Zai's name.

Neat, smooth and beautiful, the words are like a person.

But after seeing those three words, Yu Yuanyuan frowned and sighed angrily: "Daddy is a liar!!"

(End of this chapter)

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