The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 409 Sense of Crisis

Chapter 409 Sense of Crisis

Yu Yuanyuan's roar made Shen Ji confused.

Why did it suddenly involve a liar?

Children's thoughts are always wild and unconstrained, the only thing Shen Ji can be sure of is that this exclamation has nothing to do with what is happening now.

"Yuanyuan, what's the matter?" Shen Ji thought it was some family ethics drama, and even he became nervous.

If he first came into contact with the Yu family, he only cared about Xiao Zai Zai.

The current Shen Ji is Ai Wu Ji Wu, who gradually began to integrate into the harmonious and friendly environment of the Yu family.

He had never felt the beauty and happiness of a family, but it was the first time he found such a feeling in Yu's house.

Even if this happiness belongs to someone else, he still wants to help Xiao Zai Zai take good care of it.

"Yuanyuan typed out a line of words on the computer before, but Dad said that sentence was scolding Yuanyuan, saying that the computer called Yuanyuan a pig's head!" Xiao Zaizai protested angrily, "But...but Brother Shen Ji just wrote Dad's name, and the computer scolded Dad! Humph! Didn't he scold Yuanyuan!"

Ah, so it is.

Shen Ji's hanging heart suddenly fell to the ground, secretly laughing at his nervousness.

Although he didn't have much contact with Yu Jinxiao, Shen Ji could tell that he was very kind to Yuanyuan and was working hard to fulfill his responsibilities as a father.

How could a father like this do anything excessive.

"The more Yuanyuan learns, the better she can become," Shen Ji patted the little head shaking beside him, "Whether it's literacy or arithmetic, it can make Yuanyuan better today than yesterday."

The cub who is particularly coaxable widened his eyes excitedly: "Wow! Really!"

"Of course, I won't lie to you."

Xiao Zai Zai nodded vigorously: "Yuan Yuan believes in Brother Shen Ji."

The sky in early winter darkened faster than ever before, it was only seven o'clock in the evening, and the street lamps outside were covered with a layer of warm light yellow under the night.

Shen Ji was about to go home, Xiao Zai Zai reluctantly took him by the corner of his clothes and sent him out.

Gao Zhou was waiting in the car outside, with his hands on the car window, smiling and playing with Yu Yuanyuan, and quietly took out two lollipops, and gave each of Xiao Zai Zai and Shen Ji one.

After finishing this series of operations, Gao Zhou suddenly felt a chill in his head.

From the corner of the eye, he quietly glanced at the French windows on the second floor...

Phew, fortunately, Mr. Yu was not there.

Yu Yuanyuan was still chattering about things that made older friends and adults doze off, Shen Ji was not impatient, and patiently answered all her questions until Gao Zhou urged her.

He was afraid that if he didn't remind him, Yu Yuanyuan would drag Shen Ji to chat until tomorrow morning.

Come to make up lessons as soon as school is over, Shen Ji is probably already tired.

"Okay then, brother Shen Ji, goodbye." Xiao Zai Zai obediently let go of Shen Ji's claws, clasped his hands in front of him, and watched him get into the car eagerly.

"Yuanyuan!" A voice rang out from the fence.

At the same time, Gaozhou's car started slowly and drove towards the gate of the villa area.

When the road at the door was cleared, Yu Yuanyuan saw twins appearing at the door, one holding a skateboard and the other pushing a bicycle.

"Brother Yunqing, Brother Yunlan!" Xiao Zai Zai's greeting voice was almost sweet to their hearts.

After their reason was temporarily blinded, the twins suddenly remembered seeing Yu Yuanyuan send off the boy just now, and felt a sense of crisis: "Yuanyuan, who was that person just now? Is it your relative?"

"No, that's brother Shen Ji." When Yu Yuanyuan mentioned that name, the light in her eyes made the twins suddenly envious and jealous.

(End of this chapter)

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