The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 410 Eye color instantly condenses into a dark color like an abyss

Chapter 410 Eye color instantly condenses into an abyss-like dark color
"Brother Shen Ji?" Mo Yunqing seemed dissatisfied with this vague explanation, and continued to ask, "Then how did you know each other?"

Xiao Zai Zai scratched his head and replied blankly: "The first time we met was in Ocean Park..."

Yu Yuanyuan, eager to confide, honestly explained how she met, and how Shen Ji became the tutor at home.

After listening to the explanation, Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan frowned and said in unison: "Yuanyuan, in fact, you can ask me to tutor you. These things are very simple, and we can also teach them."

"However, Yuanyuan likes to be taught by brother Shen Ji." The unsuspecting little Zaizai truthfully told her feelings.

Little did they know, the twins seemed to have been struck by lightning, and the two of them died together.

"Yuanyuan, you are tired from tutoring, do you want to play with bicycles for a while?" Mo Yunqing quickly found a new entry point, and patted the car beside him.

The one named Shen Ji came to teach Yuanyuan.

What kind of happy thing can tutoring be?

Hehe, they came to play with Yuanyuan!
Mo Yunlan also reacted immediately, and raised the skateboard: "Or, skateboard?"

"Let's ride the bicycle first, the bicycle is safe," Mo Yunqing pushed the person away, patted the seat cushion, "Yuanyuan, shall I carry you up?"

"What's so fun about bicycles? Skateboards are fun because you can't step on them with round feet."

"Mo Yunlan, did you say that Yuanyuan has short legs on purpose?"

"Don't slander me, that's not what I meant! It's all because your pedals are too low!"

The twins who used to vent their breath from the same nostril were always fighting among themselves, and the average age dropped five years when they quarreled.

Yu Yuanyuan, who has always advocated peace, looked left and right, and raised her claws: "You can't quarrel."

The two twins who were yelling and yelling were obedient in a second, and they pursed their lips tightly and remained silent.

There was something inexplicably subtle about that picture.

It was as if there was a small and cute cat standing between two ferocious big dogs. When it meowed, the two big dogs would obediently lie down and wag their tails at her.

"Both Yuanyuan and Yuanyuan want to play." Looking at the bicycle and then at the skateboard, Xiao Zai Zai was eager to try, "Can you?"

"Of course!" the twins rushed to answer.

Yu Yuanyuan tried the bicycle first, and although she couldn't get on the pedals, she still pretended to ride it decently, giggling outside the yard.

Even Yu Jinxiao who was in the study could hear that laughter.

He walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and took a look. It was the twins again, Yu Jinxiao couldn't help but frown.

The twins, who obviously seem to be out of gregarious, were able to play happily with Xiao Zai Zai. The three of them pushed bicycles and ran outside, like three little fools.

Riding... After pushing the bicycle for a while, the twins took the cubs to play skateboards.

Yu Jinxiao silently observed upstairs, trying to bring the twins into their thinking.

Is this playing with Yu Yuanyuan?

Really not torturing yourself? ? ?

After pushing the cubs for a run, the twins were sweating profusely and could still laugh happily.

Skateboarding is even better.

Xiao Zai Zai stood upright on it, cautiously, while Mo Yunqing slowly moved at the same speed, spreading his arms ready to protect at any time.

Mo Yunqing squatted behind, like a slave, carefully pushing the skateboard.

That's it...

Yu Yuanyuan moved back and forth in the night with the momentum of a sweeping robot, dominating the world.

A few minutes later, Xiao Zaizai stared at the skateboard under his feet and suggested, "Yuanyuan wants to try skating by herself."

The twins looked at each other and nodded uncertainly: "Okay, but be careful."

Yu Yuanyuan nodded vigorously, one foot stepped on the skateboard, and the other trembling little foot went down to test——

The moment it touches the ground, push it slightly harder.

Wow!slide out!

The little boy who succeeded once became more courageous, and kicked twice in the same way, and the speed of the skateboard suddenly became much faster than before.

Yu Yuanyuan, whose body was still unable to maintain balance on the skateboard, let out an "oops", shaking her hands desperately in mid-air, and fell towards the outside.

Seeing this scene upstairs, Yu Jinxiao's eyes instantly froze into an abyss-like darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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