The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 411 Check Yuanyuan first, Yuanyuan also fell just now

Chapter 411 Check Yuanyuan first, Yuanyuan also fell just now

It was Yu Yuanyuan who was bold and deliberately slippery.

The speed was too fast, and it was Yu Yuanyuan herself who lost her balance when she was frightened.

Has the strong curiosity like a cat, but also has the timidity of a cat.

However, fortunately, Mo Yunlan had experience, and she knew that Yu Yuanyuan couldn't control it just by looking at the speed, so she rushed forward to pick up the little cub who was about to fall.

The little guy waving his claws groaned and fell down, but...

It's so strange, how come it's not pinched on the hard ground?

It seems to be a little soft, and there is still temperature!

The little boy who was sitting blankly took a look and found that he was not sitting on the ground, but on the backs of Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan.

The twins were afraid that they would not be able to catch her, so they simply threw themselves in the direction where she fell and used them as two human cushions.

Fortunately, the cubs were not heavy, so they didn't get pushed out.

Yu Jinxiao's heart skipped a beat when he saw it upstairs. After discovering that the twins had successfully caught the cub, his tense shoulders slowly relaxed.

The fall still gave Yu Yuanyuan a fright. She climbed down from the twins with a grunt, squatted aside and asked nervously, "Brother Yunqing, brother Yunlan, are you all right?"

There was still a lot of worry in the little voice of milk whirring, and the small face wrinkled together looking at them, and the small eyes were full of tension.

Mo Yunlan patted the ashes on her clothes, smiled and got up: "It's okay, Yuanyuan, don't worry, there's nothing wrong.

Nothing happened here, Xiao Zai Zai squatted and changed direction, looked at Mo Yunqing who was still lying on the ground: "Brother Yunqing, did you get injured?"

"I'm fine." Mo Yunqing got up slowly, but his face was not as calm as Mo Yunlan's, pale and pale under the light of the street lamp, and his brows were slightly frowned.

Xiao Zai Zai sniffed, suddenly there seemed to be a strange smell around her, she had already smelled it...

It was when Dad killed fish in Wonderland...

The lowered eyes saw a red mass on the ground, and the smell came from that red mass.

"Yunqing, you are bleeding!" Mo Yunlan was the quickest to notice the abnormality, and screamed to remind.

What? !

Xiao Zaizai tried his best to open his eyes wide to see, and found that Mo Yunqing's cuffs were frayed, the wound was stained red with the torn material, and blood was also on the ground.

"Wow, help!!!!" Yu Yuanyuan, who was still in a daze for a second, cried loudly, turned around and ran into the villa, "Sister Bei, Auntie, help!!!"

The servants had heard Xiao Zai Zai cry and heard Xiao Zai Zai ask for help, but this was the first time they heard "help".

Almost instantly, a pot exploded in the villa. Aunt Chen and Uncle Yang dropped their work and rushed to the living room. Everyone's face paled, but Yu Jinxiao, who was slowly walking down the stairs, was the calmest.

Aunt Chen and the others were all in a hurry, thinking that something serious had happened.

But Yu Yuanyuan was too small, she raised her hand and pointed out desperately, stuttering for a long time from the fright of the blood.

In the end, it was Yu Jinxiao who stepped into the middle and interrupted the chaos.

"Someone is injured, go and get the medicine box," Yu Jinxiao signaled Aunt Chen to get it, and asked Uncle Yang to go out with him, and took the little boy outside by the way, "Yu Yuanyuan, in the future, you should calm down when encountering such a situation. When you panic, you can’t speak, and it’s hard for others to understand what you mean.”

Cub Zai Zai's head is dizzy, receiving education at this time, he can only move his head mechanically.

Why is it so cold... Do you want some ice cream first?
As soon as Uncle Yang went out, he saw the injured Mo Yunqing, and quickly carried him into the house to check his condition.

Unexpectedly, Mo Yunqing looked nonchalant, and desperately motioned to Yu Yuanyuan beside him: "Check Yuanyuan first, Yuanyuan also fell just now."

(End of this chapter)

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