The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 422 Is He Here?

Chapter 422 Is He Here?
The car drove slowly to the school gate and stopped.

After Yu Jinxiao got out of the car, he glanced at the little boy who was looking at him expectantly, opened the door and hugged her down together.

Although he seldom brings children with him, he knows that it is dangerous to leave a child alone in the car.

Inexplicably proud of his parenting experience in his heart, Yu Jinxiao and Yu Yuanyuan had already walked to the school gate.

The guard room poked its head out and stopped them: "What's the matter?"

"Wow, Susu is good!" Yu Yuanyuan recognized at a glance that this was the Uncle Security that he had seen before.

That uncle security guard is a nice guy, and even helped her find brother Shen Ji.

Uncle Security stared at Yu Yuanyuan for a while, and suddenly realized: "It's you, kid, why are you here so late?"

"Yuanyuan came to look for brother Shen Ji again," Xiao Zaizai pointed to the inside of the school, "Brother Shen Ji is inside, Yuanyuan came to pick him up from the fat family."

"It's strange to say that I didn't seem to see him leave today. Is he still studying? It's so late." Uncle Security shook his hat in puzzlement, and kept his eyes on Yu Jinxiao.

Sensing that Uncle Security was looking at Dad, Yu Yuanyuan patted Dad on the head with his hand, and with a bang, he proudly introduced: "Shusu, Jie is Yuanyuan's dad, let's pick up Brother Shen Ji together."

Uncle Security hesitated, and took out a notebook to ask them to register with their IDs: "Generally, after school hours, no one is allowed to come in and out casually, but this time I will accommodate you, you should hurry up, and you can't stay too long."

Not wanting to make too much noise, Yu Jinxiao cooperatively registered the information and asked, "Where is the Academic Affairs Office?"

The security uncle was stunned: "Huh?"

Xiao Zai Zai shook his paws in a dignified manner: "Uncle Security, where is Wu Vinegar so tired~~"

"Go up to the first building over there, the third floor, the first office on the right." Dazed by that cute face, the security guard said everything.

When Yu Jinxiao left with the cub in his arms, the security uncle grabbed his hat suspiciously: "It's strange, didn't you pick up your brother? Why do you have to ask the Academic Affairs Office again?"

"Yu Yuanyuan, I may not have time to take care of you later, you are not allowed to leave the room, find a place to wait for me obediently, you are not allowed to leave me more than one meter away, understand?" Yu Jinxiao pretended to be serious when he walked downstairs to the first building He issued a warning without warning, and his face became as gloomy as he wanted.

If you don't give her some flair, Xiao Zai Zai won't take her seriously.

As a result, Yu Yuanyuan blinked her eyes and asked seriously, "How far is one meter?"

Yu Jinxiao pointed to a brick on the ground: "It's so far from here, can it be done?"

"Okay, Yuanyuan can do it!"

With Xiao Zai Zai's guarantee, Yu Jinxiao went upstairs, and before he entered the door, he heard noisy voices inside.

It's not so much talking, it's better to say scolding, those who don't know think this is some kind of base for torture prisoners.

Yu Jinxiao was about to push the door open and go in, Xiao Zaizai held his head, raised his hand and knocked on the door: "Is anyone opening the door?"

The noise in the room suddenly disappeared, and after a few seconds, the door opened a thin crack.

Through the slit, one eye looks suspiciously but precisely at a shorter angle.

"Little friend, what are you doing here?" A man's voice came from inside the door.

Yu Yuanyuan replied loudly: "We are here to find brother Shen Ji, is he here?"

"Yuanyuan?" Shen Ji's surprised and puzzled voice sounded from inside the room.

"Brother Shen Ji, Yuanyuan is in Jieli!!" Outside the door, Xiao Zai Zai responded loudly, and even leaned on the door and leaned his head to the crack of the door to look.

"Heh, you're finally willing to talk, aren't you?" Another fierce voice sounded from inside the door, as if questioning Shen Ji.

(End of this chapter)

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