The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 423 Then You Are Nothing

Chapter 423 Then You Are Nothing

Yu Jinxiao pushed the little boy standing in front of him to his side, stretched out his hand and pushed the door open: "I'm here to bring Shen Ji back."

The door opened, and there were many people standing in the room.

Four teenagers, three men and two women, and a middle-aged man who looked like the dean, with the school badge embroidered on his suit.

In the farthest corner, Shen Ji propped his arm on one knee, his indifferent eyes came alive with the appearance of Yu Yuanyuan.

"Brother Shen Ji——" Finally seeing Brother Shen Ji who was fine, like a little fish, he swished around the people in the room and grabbed Shen Ji's sleeve without any mistakes.

But looking closer, Yu Yuanyuan found that Shen Ji's arms and face had tiny bloodstains, and the gloves were torn, showing a little bruise.

"Pu Ba!" Xiao Zai Zai screamed in fright, "Brother Shen Ji is injured!!!!"

Yu Jinxiao glanced at Shen Ji's situation, and said unhurriedly, "Shen Ji, let's go."

Shen Ji, who was sitting in the corner, was about to get up when several people surrounded Yu Jinxiao: "You can't leave, you are Shen Ji's parent? He injured our son, and...he is a thief! He has to pay!"

"What?" Yu Jinxiao frowned, and squeezed out four words from his throat in disdain.

The crowd in front of me was quiet for a few seconds, and the pot exploded in an instant: "You actually called me a"

"..." Yu Jinxiao looked at him quietly for a while, "Then you are nothing."

"You actually scolded me for not being a thing!"

Xiao Zaizai couldn't listen anymore, and asked softly: "Auntie you want to be things, or don't you want to be things?"

Everyone: "..."

They were speechlessly refuted by a little cub!

"Where did you come from, it's none of your business." Someone yelled back angrily, Yu Yuanyuan was so frightened that she hurried into Shen Ji's arms.

Yu Jinxiao's calm expression was instantly threatening, and the backs of the group of people shivered: "Didn't it mean that the status of the people in this school is not ordinary? Now it seems that there are many people who fish in troubled waters, even the basic Neither manners nor manners."

The person being scolded was stared at by Yu Jinxiao the whole time, and he knew that he was reflected in the words without asking.

"It was Shen Ji who stole my son's mobile phone, and he beat someone. Since you are the parent, you don't care about him, but scolded me instead?" "Tell me, does this make sense?"

"Why did Shen Ji steal your son's cell phone?" Yu Jinxiao's words caught the other party off guard.

"Why else? Isn't it because my son's new mobile phone looks good, he doesn't have a mobile phone himself..."

The little glutinous rice ball squatting in the corner heard it and meowed: "Brother Shen Ji has his own mobile phone, he just bought it!"

Before the man told Yu Yuanyuan to shut up, Yu Jinxiao crossed his arms and asked confidently: "Shen Ji bought a new mobile phone himself, why did he steal your son's mobile phone?"

The man was left speechless by the question, and whispered: "Who knows what the thief thinks!"

Yu Jinxiao glanced at the group of people indifferently, and said to Shen Ji: "Shen Ji, tell me what's going on."

"I didn't steal the phone, I paid for it." Shen Ji's eyes were violent and cold, and his gaze was like a deadly weapon. "They wanted to grab my phone, saying it belonged to them."

"You nonsense, how could my son do such a thing!!" The mushroom man retorted in shock.

Yu Jinxiao sneered, the laughter seemed to have some indescribably terrifying aura, making the office silent again: "It turns out that people do things with just one mouth?"

(End of this chapter)

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