The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 424 Issuing a Warning 3 Words

Chapter 424 Issuing a Warning Three-Character Sutra

"What do you mean?" Mushroom Head's momentum weakened, and the others joined in one by one.

"Shen Ji not only steals, but also beats people. See how he beats my son."

"By the way, there is also my son. Look, there is such a big bruise on his face."

"My son's mouth is broken!"

Yu Jinxiao nodded, looked contemptuously at their wounds side by side, then turned his head and asked Shen Ji: "Did you hit them?"

Shen Ji thought he had let Mr. Yu down, so he lowered his head and nodded slightly.

"One person hitting four?" Yu Jinxiao asked again.

Up to this point, some strange trends have emerged.

Shen Ji also noticed something strange, and raised his head to look at Yu Jinxiao in astonishment.

"Well, that's right, one can win by playing four." Yu Jinxiao nodded appreciatively, completely ignoring the group of students and parents.

Mr. Yu is a person worthy of respect in Shen Ji's heart. He doesn't want to disappoint Mr. Yu, let alone leave a bad impression.

Unexpectedly, Yu Jinxiao would have such a reaction.

When Yu Yuanyuan heard that Shen Ji was fighting, she pointed lightly at his hand with her little claw: "Brother Shen Ji, does it hurt? , Yuanyuan will be fine after Huhu."

"Yu Yuanyuan!" Yu Jinxiao blushed and issued a warning.

Xiao Zaizai didn't understand that it was something that could not be said, he didn't understand that it was a warning at all, and seriously blew Shen Ji's hand and face injuries.

"What kind of parent are you, you actually teach your children this way? No wonder you teach this kind of..." The parent on the other side was so angry that they cursed and said weird words.

When Yu Jinxiao heard this, his brows were suddenly knit together, his eyes were like a voltage of [-] volts: "You still worry about your children, don't teach the scum of society."


"Shen Ji, come here," Yu Jinxiao hooked his hands, and Shen Ji took Yuanyuan and walked to him silently, "There is no one in charge here, right? Up to now you don't even dare to fart?"

The dean of the Academic Affairs Office, who couldn't get in the conversation in the corner, smiled awkwardly, vaguely feeling that this person in front of him was not easy to mess with.

But if I remember correctly, since Shen Ji went to school, his family has never appeared.

Some people have seen the place where he lives, which is a very dilapidated neighborhood. I am afraid that such a family does not have a family with status and status.

Even the director of the Academic Affairs Office was curious about how Shen Ji got into the school. The school files were blank and nothing was written.

"Hello, I'm the director of the Academic Affairs Office." A middle-aged man with a fairly normal figure stepped forward, with a bit of sternness in his eyes, but the sternness obviously didn't apply to the parents and children of the rich. I can explain the whole process, and I have also asked other students, and the general investigation is clear."

"Okay, tell me." Yu Jinxiao gave him a chance.

"Around noon today, this classmate Wu Yifei lost his mobile phone, and finally found that the mobile phone was on Shen Ji's body, but Shen Ji refused to return it no matter what." When the director of the Academic Affairs Office talked about these things, he always wore a hypocritical smile, " As a young man, it is inevitable that some conflicts will arise if you get a little irritable. I also contacted Shen Ji's family members in time to resolve the matter, but I didn't expect... until now."

The dean of the Academic Affairs Office hinted that Yu Jinxiao was late, which made them wait until now.

After all, as soon as those parents saw the injuries on their children, they immediately refused to forgive and asked for an explanation, so how could they easily let Shen Ji go back.

The school had already called Shen Ji's uncle, but the uncle didn't want to make this trip, and wasn't interested in taking care of this shit.

"Do you think everyone is in a panic and has nothing to do?" Yu Jinxiao snorted coldly, and asked in a cold tone, "You said there is evidence, where is the evidence? What evidence can prove that Shen Ji stole the phone?"

(End of this chapter)

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