The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 435 Is there something wrong with Yuanyuan?

Chapter 435 Is there something wrong with Yuanyuan?
"They are good friends of Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan invited them to come and play." Xiao Zaizai stretched out his arms, happily raised Lao Gao, and motioned for everyone to come in.

Aunt Chen was only surprised for a moment. Looking at the group of little Doudings who were about the same height and wearing the same school uniform, she guessed that they should all be classmates.

Sister Bei saw three cute little milk bags suddenly appeared, and was so cute that she screamed, and hurried to prepare snacks for them.

Yu Yuanyuan led the three little friends, "over mountains and mountains" and finally climbed to the study room on the second floor.

Most of the first floor are servants' rooms and storage rooms, and the study room is naturally prepared on the second floor.

The few little Doudings who never had to climb the stairs at home were almost exhausted.

"Yuanyuan, is this your room?" Gu Beiyan looked at the simple study room, his eyes widened.

"No, Yuanyuan's room is in Jieli," Yu Yuanyuan said, leading them to visit her bedroom again, "Dangdangdangdang!"

The door was pushed open, and there was a lot of pink inside, but it was a little more "normal" than Gu Beiyan imagined.

No mess, no exaggerated girly elements, pink, clean and refreshing.

Wen Zifei wasn't interested at first, but Yu Yuanyuan seemed to be very motivated and wanted to show everyone around, so he followed along.

"Your room looks pretty good." Wen Zifei said something nice.

"Miss Yuanyuan, Auntie and Sister Bei have prepared something to eat, do you want to eat in the study room?" Aunt Chen's voice came from the corridor.

As soon as he heard that there was food, Xiao Zai Zai took his best friends and ran back to the study room like a bunch of grapes.

The cell phone incident happened the day before, Shen Ji didn't go to Cheng Yu's house, and wanted to arrive early after school today, so he had to run as soon as he left the school gate.

When he arrived at Yu's house, his hair was covered with fine sweat, and his usually bloodless face was also covered with red clouds.

"Is Shen Ji here?" Uncle Yang just came out of the kitchen and handed him a glass of juice, "Have something to drink, I see you are sweating profusely from running."

After returning home last night, Yu Jinxiao had briefly explained Shen Ji's matter, but everyone did not mention it tacitly, and greeted him as before.

"Thank you, Uncle Yang, is Yuanyuan out of school?" Shen Ji wiped off his sweat, and looked in the direction of the upstairs study room.

Uncle Yang was taken aback for a moment, faltering what he wanted to say, and finally sighed: "Forget it, you can just go up and look."

This mysterious tone immediately aroused Shen Ji's curiosity.

Is there something wrong with Yuanyuan?
When Shen Ji walked upstairs, he vaguely heard laughter in the study room, the different sounds of rattling mixed together, it didn't sound like Yu Yuanyuan's voice alone.

He paused at the door, stretched out his hand and pushed it away——

"Brother Shen Ji!" Xiao Zai Zai was the first to take care of him, his mouth was covered with sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

In the study room, there is not only one Yuanyuan child, but also three little Doudings that Shen Ji is familiar with.

I've seen it all outside of school before.

"Yuanyuan..." Shen Ji stood at the door in astonishment, even wondering if he had forgotten something.

Don't you need tutoring today? It's a gathering with Yuanyuan and her friends?

"Brother Shen Ji, this cinnamon cake is delicious, you eat it," Xiao Zaizai opened a piece of paper from his pocket, and there lay an osmanthus cake that was broken in half, "Bei Yan ate several pieces, if If Yuanyuan doesn't hide it, he will eat it up!"

"Thank you," Shen Ji took it and said puzzledly, "Yuanyuan, today...don't you need tutoring?"

Yu Yuanyuan shook her head: "No, today is Yuanyuan bringing her best friend to tutoring together, did Brother Shen Ji forget?"


Shen Ji: "...?" I don't even know about this!

(End of this chapter)

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