The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 436 1 Must Be The Way He Opened The Door Wrong

Chapter 436 It Must Be The Way He Opened The Door Wrong
But everyone came, Shen Ji would of course give Xiao Zai Zai some face, he nodded naturally, and asked: "Then shall we start now?"

"Okay!" Xiao Zai Zai was the first to sit obediently at the table.

Aunt Chen brought a few similar small benches a long time ago, and Gu Beiyan and Chu Qi sat beside Yu Yuanyuan in coordination, leaving Wen Zifei with a face of reluctance.

"Little mosquito~~Your place is in Jieli." Pointing diagonally forward, Yu Yuanyuan's sparkling eyes invited him to go over.

Several pairs of eyes were looking at him, Wen Zifei lost his mind, frowned and sat down.

Shen Ji asked everyone the next question, and got a general understanding of everyone's situation.

Chu Qi didn't have any major problems. In the scope of kindergarten teaching, she could hardly make mistakes, and Wen Zifei was similar.

But Gu Beiyan was different.

He is almost a fault-like existence, even worse than Yu Yuanyuan's current level.

Looking at the red ticks on everyone's paper, Gu Beiyan was so depressed that he wanted to find a place to be a mushroom: "Why is it so difficult, woo woo woo, I'm too stupid, I can't learn it no matter what."

"Don't worry," Shen Ji gently turned over his answer sheet, summarizing the points where Gu Beiyan was prone to make mistakes, "Only by making mistakes can we find the problem, only by finding the problem can we solve the problem, and only in this way can we make progress."

It was the first time for Gu Beiyan to hear other people speak the truth, his eyes widened, and it was very helpful.

Afterwards, Shen Ji was mainly giving lectures to Gu Beiyan. Yu Yuanyuan is much better now than before, she can get most of the questions right, and rarely makes the same mistakes again.

Chu Qi and Wen Zifei answered the questions with meaning, and they were all right every time. The one with the most crosses was Gu Beiyan.

However, under Shen Ji's guidance, his red cross is slowly decreasing.

One thing that Gu Beiyan has better than Yu Yuanyuan is that the mistakes he made will not be repeated all the time, he has listened carefully to the summary.

"Wow, you speak very well." Looking at the answer sheet that was all correct for the first time, Gu Beiyan smiled happily, "I understand everything, and...and it's not fierce."

Usually at home, it is my father who tutors me with my homework.

Gu Beiyan also didn't understand why his father, who is usually gentle and loving, once tutoring him with his homework, would have such a terrifying aura that he looked like a monster, and he didn't even dare to vent his breath.

Every time I answer a question, I feel like I am walking a tightrope. I am afraid that my father will teach me a lesson if I make a mistake.

Arithmetic is terrible!Can make Dad suddenly cranky like Godzilla!

Seeing his first all-right result, Gu Beiyan was happy and satisfied, and put his bad impression of Shen Ji to the back of his mind for the time being.

"I'll just say that Brother Shen Ji is amazing!" Yu Yuanyuan seized the opportunity to show off, and swayed her little claws on the table, "Even Yuanyuan can learn it, so can you, Beiyan!"

"I think I have hope again..." Gu Beiyan was almost moved to tears.

Although Yuanyuan said that Shen Ji was prettier than him, and although Shen Ji was fierce before Yuanyuan, but...but...but his lectures are really good, and he is also very gentle, even if he makes a wrong question, he won't lose his temper.

A group of children are playing while learning, especially Yu Yuanyuan, who is happier than usual.

When Yu Jinxiao came back, he didn't know the situation upstairs. As usual, he was going to say hello to Xiao Zai Zai and Shen Ji before going to the study.

But when you open the door—

How come there are so many little beans? ? ?

The little friends in the study room were also stunned, and they all looked at Yu Jinxiao who appeared at the door.

No, it must be the wrong way for him to open the door.

Yu Jinxiao immediately backed out, closed the door again and opened it again——

There are still so many little beans! !

(End of this chapter)

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