The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 439 Her Answer Is Correct

Chapter 439 Her Answer Is Correct
After coaxing the little cub who had been depressed all night, Shen Ji said goodbye to Aunt Chen and Uncle Yang next to each other, and went to the farther road to take the bus home.

As soon as he got back to the villa, Yu Yuanyuan climbed up to the second floor with a humming sound, when suddenly a pair of long feet blocked his way.

"Father, Yuanyuan and Brother Shen Ji are apologizing," Xiao Zaizai happily patted his paws, "Brother Shen Ji said it's fine."

"No, I have something to do." Yu Jinxiao didn't squat down to talk to her, his condescending eyes were intensely oppressive, "I paid Shen Ji to come and teach you alone, you'd better bring so many people back, if you Forget what you learned, you will see it."

Xiao Zai Zai blinked his eyes a few times in doubt, and suddenly smiled brightly: "Yuanyuan is pretty."

Yu Jinxiao supported his forehead.

Can give you narcissism.

Under Shen Ji's guidance, he regained a little confidence, and Gu Beiyan looked at him differently.

Especially, in the arithmetic class on the second day, he was praised by the teacher, saying that he had improved.

As soon as get out of class was over, Gu Beiyan opened his small schoolbag, and dumped a pile of food on Yu Yuanyuan's table: "Yuanyuan, I'm going to your home for tutoring today too, okay? Shen Ji's teaching is so good , I was caught by my dad last night when I went home to do the questions, but luckily I got all the questions right, otherwise I would definitely be scolded again."

Looking at the table of bribes, Yu Yuanyuan was very tangled: "But... tutoring so many children is very hard work."

"I don't need to go," Chu Qi raised her hand and said, "I want to go home early and watch TV."

Wen Zifei also quickly waved his hands: "I know everything, I don't need tutoring."

Finally, when school was over, Yu Yuanyuan couldn't hold back Gu Beiyan, and took him home with him.

When Shen Ji arrived at Yu's house, he was not at all surprised to see Gu Beiyan sitting at the table obediently.

"Do you still remember what happened yesterday?" Shen Ji gave each of them a blank sheet of paper, "Did you encounter any unfamiliar things in class today? It's not limited to arithmetic."

Yu Yuanyuan shook her head, for her, the most terrifying thing is arithmetic, now that brother Shen Ji is helping her with tutoring, this most terrifying thing has become less scary.

Gu Beiyan, who had just figured out the way, pushed the white paper and earnestly asked, "Give me another 100 questions!"

one hundred...

Shen Ji looked at the white paper in front of him and fell silent.

Does this mean not letting him go home?

A little more than a hundred, but 50 can be produced.

Shen Ji wrote the topics prepared in advance on two sheets of paper side by side, and gave Yu Yuanyuan and Gu Beiyan one sheet each.

"Shen Ji, come and drink some juice, you're tired from tutoring." Aunt Chen brought in three cups of freshly squeezed juice, the sweet fruity aroma drifted into Yu Yuanyuan's breath, and the little boy's claws started ready to move.

Just when she was about to grab the cup and take a sip, Gu Beiyan suddenly touched her with his elbow, and silently said with his mouth: "What is the answer to question 27?"

Yu Yuanyuan happened to write question 28, and Zhuozhao drew 4 and 8 where Shen Ji couldn't see.

After receiving the answer, Gu Beiyan said OK, and quickly wrote down the answer.

Shen Ji, who seemed to be drinking juice, had seen everything in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, pretending not to notice, until the two children had written all the answers.

Shen Ji corrected Yu Yuanyuan's homework first, and only made three mistakes, and two of them were really difficult for her, and the mistakes were expected.

Besides these numerical questions, in addition to "will it", there are also "mistakes".

Yu Yuanyuan knew the other question, but she accidentally miscalculated.

After grading Yu Yuanyuan's homework, Shen Ji began to check Gu Beiyan's.

Gu Beiyan was frightened the whole time. Although Shen Ji was not fierce, he also hoped that he could be right.

Seeing the red hook go down all the way, Shen Ji put a cross on the 28th question.

Gu Beiyan seemed to be stimulated, and turned to look at Yu Yuanyuan's answer of 28 kicks, which was also 48, but her answer was correct!

(End of this chapter)

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