The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 440 My Dad Is Here?

Chapter 440 My Dad Is Here?

Shen Ji glanced at Gu Beiyan's small eyes that hesitated to speak, and asked, "Is it strange, why you and Yuanyuan answered 28 questions, one was right and the other was wrong, even though the answers were the same."

Being seen through, Gu Beiyan nodded embarrassedly.

Shen Ji didn't explain anything, and pushed Yu Yuanyuan's question paper to him to read: "Please look at the question carefully."

One is 22+26, the other is 26+32, two completely different questions!
"I didn't write your questions exactly in the same order." Shen Ji returned Gu Beiyan's question paper to him, "Your 28 questions are actually Yuanyuan's 35 questions. It's useless for you to ask Yuanyuan for the answer. of."

Gu Beiyan: "!!!"

Gu Beiyan, who was seen through, cowardly buried his head, and was ready to be scolded.

He was so right.

Every time he is right, he is praised. Whether it is at home or at school, "all right" has become a subconscious obsession for him.

"Today is tutoring. If you don't know how to do it, you can keep the questions." Shen Ji didn't reprimand him severely. "If you don't know how to do it, just ask for an answer and write it down. If you still don't know how to do it in the future, you won't be able to understand these numbers." How did it become the answer."

Gu Beiyan nodded obediently: "I see, sorry."

"No need to apologize, I'm from your age too," Shen Ji handed him the fruit juice brought by Aunt Chen, "You and Yuanyuan are still young, if you lose your desire for knowledge now, just pursue" All right', it will only make your future road more and more difficult."

No one has ever been so calm and reasonable with himself, especially since this person is only a little older than himself, and he doesn't have the feeling of superiority of an adult.

Gu Beiyan opened his eyes wide and listened blankly.

"You also have advantages. Every time you miss a question, you will almost never make a second mistake. This is a very good advantage." Shen Ji's words were a great encouragement and recognition to Gu Beiyan. People are happy, but it’s not a terrible thing to be wrong. Being wrong means that you still have the opportunity to understand new problems, and when you solve new problems, you will become stronger and stronger.”

When Shen Ji was young, he also longed for someone to encourage him in this way, even if he said something with a little middle school flavor, it could make his world a little bit more hopeful.

However, the environment where he grew up has never waited for such a person.

Shen Ji is aware of Gu Beiyan's situation, Yu Yuanyuan's friend is his friend, he will not be stingy to spend a few minutes to adjust the child's deviating mentality.

"Thank you, I understand, come on again! I will definitely write well this time!"

After adjusting his mentality, Gu Beiyan focused more on solving the problems. After Shen Ji's new 20 questions, he finally got it all right again.

This time, Yu Yuanyuan made a mistake.

Depressed, Zai Zai looked at the red cross on his test paper: "Next time, Yuan Yuan will do everything right!"

Someone tutoring together, on the contrary, stimulated Xiao Zai Zai's comparative psychology.

"Okay, I want to be all right!" Gu Beiyan happily picked up the pen and urged Shen Ji to do a few more questions.

The two little bean dings who were usually terrified when arithmetic was mentioned, actually rushed to ask him to write a question today.

Shen Ji silently saw their changes, took out a clean white paper, and just wrote a question when there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

It was Aunt Chen who opened the door. As soon as she entered, her eyes lingered on Gu Beiyan: "Mr. Gu is here to pick pick up Young Master Beiyan."

"Ah? My dad is here?" Gu Beiyan asked in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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