The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 441 Almost Tears

Chapter 441 Almost Tears

The enthusiasm for doing the questions was interrupted. When Gu Beiyan walked into the yard, not only his father was there, but Yu Jinxiao was also at the door.

The two seemed to be talking, when seeing Gu Beiyan come out, Gu Jingye hurriedly beckoned his son to go over.

"I'm really sorry. I thought Beiyan was here to play with Yuanyuan, but I didn't expect someone else to give him tutoring." After Gu Jingye greeted Yu Jinxiao apologetically, his eyes shifted to Shen Ji, "This This one is a classmate who helps Beiyan with tutoring, right?"

"Hello." Shen Ji stepped forward and nodded slightly.

"Although I only took two days of tutoring, Beiyan has made great progress," Gu Jingye said, not without admiration for Shen Ji, "But it's not good if you always come to Yu's house to bother you. Would you like to come to Gu's house to teach Beiyan again?"

Gu Beiyan's heart skipped a beat, his father won't let him come to Yu's house for tutoring again!

"Sorry, I promised Mr. Yu that I would give Yuanyuan a good tutoring." Shen Ji refused Gu Jingye's proposal without any hesitation, "I will put all my energy on Yuanyuan."

The implication is that he doesn't want to delay Yuanyuan's tutoring because of giving tutoring to others.

Yu Jinxiao looked at Gu Jingye calmly, with an expression of "I'll just say it" written all over his face.

In fact, long before the children went downstairs, Gu Jingye asked Shen Ji to give his son private tutoring.

Based on his own understanding of Shen Ji, Yu Jinxiao said that there is a high probability that Shen Ji would not agree.

Gu Jingye didn't believe in evil, so he insisted on trying, but he was rejected.

It's just that Gu Jingye still refused to give up, all because Shen Ji couldn't agree to it in front of Yu Jinxiao, so he found an excuse to send him outside the courtyard.

"Student Shen, the price is negotiable, as long as Beiyan can learn something..." Gu Jingye gestured a five-digit number, "One week's price."

This outrageous bid was higher than what Yu Jinxiao offered, far exceeding the market price, but Shen Ji was not at all happy, his face darkened gloomyly.

"Mr. Gu, it's not about money. From the beginning, I promised to give Yuanyuan tutoring, but for other people... I'm not interested in giving him tutoring alone. I disappoint you." After finishing speaking, Shen Ji left Gu Jing Ye went straight back to the yard, preferring to play with Yu Yuanyuan who was chasing butterflies, rather than bargaining with him again.

Did he give less?Gu Jingye looked at his outstretched fingers in shock.

Shen Ji never cared about money, and he didn't bother to agree to anything just because of money.

Compared with this sky-high tuition, Shen Ji felt that Yu Jinxiao's price based on the market price made him more comfortable.

A fair deal is rare.

Gu Jingye was completely rejected, and Gu Beiyan also had some expectations at that moment just now, hoping that Shen Ji would agree to give him tutoring, but judging by his father's expression, Shen Ji must have refused.

Hey, I don't know if what I learned in the past two days can be used in the future.

"Beiyan," Shen Ji, who was squatting in the corner, suddenly beckoned Gu Beiyan to pass, "In the future, don't be nervous when you encounter problems, calm down and think carefully. Doing a problem is the same as playing a game. The fewer unnecessary mistakes, the better your ability will be. The closer you are to victory."

Gu Beiyan listened to every word seriously: "I understand."

"Also, this, you can keep it if you need it," Shen Ji put a folded piece of paper into Gu Beiyan's hand, "It's my phone number on it, if you encounter something you don't know, It doesn't have to be arithmetic, you can call me."

The light palm of the paper suddenly moved Gu Beiyan, and he almost shed tears.

(End of this chapter)

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