The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 447 You Are Too Shy to Be Scared!

Chapter 447 You Are Too Shy to Be Scared!
When they came downstairs, the children gathered around the gift area, waiting for Gu Beiyan to unwrap the presents.

Gu Beiyan was the first to pick up Yu Yuanyuan's gift: "This is Yuanyuan, right?"

After unpacking, there is a box with a dark matte bottom inside. There are fluorescent patterns on the surface of the box, which looks very handsome.

Shen Ji, who had never seen Yu Yuanyuan's gift before, couldn't help but sigh in his heart that Xiao Zai Zai chose well.

It has a handsome sci-fi feel that boys like, and the texture is very good at first glance, unlike toys that can be seen everywhere.

Gu Beiyan let out a "wow", tapped and said, "There seems to be something inside, it shouldn't be solid."

The other children were also dazzled, and they crowded around Gu Beiyan in an impenetrable way to help him think of a way: "Here, this place should be able to be opened."

The tallest Shen Ji saw the red reminder of "UP" printed on one side of the box, so he reached out to help Gu Beiyan straighten it: "This side is up."

Gu Beiyan hugged the box and stared blankly at the symbol: "And then?"

Yes, then what? ?
"Is it broken?" Yu Yuanyuan also squeezed into the crowd, stretched out her hand and patted the surface vigorously.

The children got very close, staring at the box intently, all their attention on the mysterious symbol.

All of a sudden!

The lid of the box popped open, and a long snake-shaped strip emerged from it. It quickly swayed left and right, shaking it in front of each child's eyes.

Hanging in front of the snake-shaped bar is a small model of a terrifying monster!
For a moment, the surroundings were so quiet that one could even hear a needle drop to the ground.

There seemed to be a dark cloud over the heads of each little bean ding. After a short silence, Ula Ula's panicked roars and cries broke out in an instant, and the scene was in chaos.

Shen Ji's raised hand also froze in place, not sure whether to retract it or reach out to close the box.

It turns out... this is not an ordinary decoration box, but a scare box!

It was also co-titled with a sci-fi movie.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was crowded at the forefront, was quite frightened, but she reacted a beat slower than the others. After all the children ran away, she backed up and crawled behind Shen Ji .

"What is that? It's scary!" The big terrified eyes looked at the box timidly, with half of his head hidden and half exposed.

A group of children looked at Yu Yuanyuan in fear and surprise.

Isn't that what you chose! !You have the nerve to be afraid!
In order to preserve his image, Gu Beiyan refrained from showing any frightened expressions, but his movements were stiff and robot-like.

He put the box on the table, and the small monster model was still shaking left and right with the spring bars, as if trying to catch some children and eat them.

"Yuanyuan... this gift... I... I really... like it very much." Gu Beiyan's head was bewildered, and he stuttered a few short sentences before he could speak clearly.

Shen Ji could see how scared Gu Beiyan was just from the top of his head, and wanted to tell him not to force himself...

"To Buji," Xiao Zaizai stood up sadly and shook his head, not daring to look at Gu Beiyan, "Yuanyuan thought it was an ordinary box, and she didn't intend to scare Beiyan."

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay, it's not scary at all," Gu Beiyan laughed dryly, his face was as stiff as a mask, "This little thing can't scare me."

"Uncle Gu...what's the matter with you?" The children's panicked voices sounded one after another.

I saw Gu Jingye clutching his heart, and suddenly fell down on the sofa, his face turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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