Chapter 448
"Gu Susu!!" Yu Yuanyuan was terrified, and rushed forward with a huff, her claws pressed against his kneecap, "What's wrong with you!!"

Gu Jingye couldn't say that he was frightened by the scare box, so he could only adjust his breathing silently without saying a word.

After finally calming down, he tried his best to smile at Yu Yuanyuan: "It's okay, I just couldn't breathe suddenly."

Who would have thought that on his son's birthday, there would be such a sudden fright.

The servants thought there was an accident, and gathered around.

Three floors inside and three floors outside, Gu Jingye was surrounded by so many people, it was hard to say that he was almost scared to death.

How could he lose face in front of his son's friends!
"It's okay, let's continue unwrapping the presents." Gu Jingye pushed the children back to the gift area. This time he learned to be smart and stood outside the circle surrounded by the children.

Even if something terrible happened later, at least he wasn't a hot guy who faced fear directly!

With trembling hands, Gu Beiyan picked up Shen Ji's gift next to him, and suddenly thought of something, turned his head in horror to make sure: "You won't also give it..."

"No, there is nothing scary." Shen Ji laughed.

With his guarantee, Gu Beiyan opened the gift in fear.

Inside was a flat box. After taking care not to damage the outer packaging, Gu Beiyan saw a book.

This time, the friends were all silent.

After being quiet for a few minutes, someone asked curiously, "Is this the new Aute Slow picture book? Why haven't I read it?"

"It's definitely not terribly slow, is it a new superhero album?"

The children chirping and quacking had a heated discussion, but in the end they failed to reach a conclusion, so they had to wait for Shen Ji to announce.

Shen Ji, who doesn't like being the center of other people's attention, explained a little unnaturally: "It's... a question bank for arithmetic problems."

Gu Beiyan stared at the book for a while. Compared with the shock box just now, he hugged the book: "Thank you, I like this gift so much."

Shen Ji: "..." It all depends on his colleague (Yu Zai Zai) as a foil.

The gifts from other children are relatively normal, nothing more than toys, models, and chocolate snacks brought back from abroad.

After unwrapping the gift, Gu Beiyan looked at the monster model still swaying left and right in the box, and his heart twitched: "That... can this box be closed?"

"It should be possible, let me see." Shen Ji took the initiative to check the box, and took the scary monster model back into the box in twos and twos.

The normally placed box is really cool, but Gu Beiyan's heart trembles when he thinks that it may pop up at any time to scare people.

"Let's play games!" Gu Beiyan clapped his hands, motioning for the children to come and play together.

Shen Ji didn't really like to participate in lively sessions, so he took the juice and sat on the sofa next to him, watching the group of little Doudings who were about the same height running around.

The villa was noisy, but the laughter of the children gave people a special kind of peace of mind.

Especially that little cub who shuttles among the children.

Yu Yuanyuan seems to be the most eye-catching no matter where she is, she smiles like a cute little angel, her movements are a bit clumsy when playing games, but she is so cute.

"Why is there something moving over there!" Several children who were playing games suddenly stopped and shouted.

I saw a ball crawling around in the gift area, Yu Yuanyuan was the closest, and curiously went up to take a look, and was froze in fright.

It's the hamster crawling out! ! !
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Xiao Zaizai yelled and wanted to run away, but the hamster crawled along to the scare box she gave her.

The little guy's weight triggered the switch, the shock box opened with a whimper, Tuotuo flew out of a parabola in mid-air, and fell on the top of Yu Yuanyuan's head with a "baji".

(End of this chapter)

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