The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 451 She Wants To Remotely Stop Her From Eating Cake

Chapter 451 She Wants To Remotely Stop Her From Eating Cake

"I saw you took a sneak shot of Yuanyuan," Gu Beiyan grumbled twice, and suddenly became talkative, "Send me the video, I've saved your number, you can add me a WeChat. "

Shen Ji didn't have time to refuse, the phone ding-dong, and immediately received the application.

He passed Gu Beiyan's friend calmly, and then locked the phone: "I'll send it to you when I get back."

"Okay! No problem!" Gu Beiyan was looking forward to booking Yuanyuan's cute video.

It was about five o'clock, and the servants began to bring out the delicacies prepared for everyone.

The long dining table is full of little bean diced one after another, waiting for the meal with a spoon.

Every three positions of the servants will be watched by someone behind, and any little Douding who needs help will respond immediately.

Shen Ji hadn't used a knife and fork much before, and when he caught a glimpse of Gu Jingye, who was sitting in the front seat, his skillful and graceful movements made it obvious that he was not an ordinary person.

When he was thinking about how to eat so as not to be rude, Yu Yuanyuan who was sitting by the side suddenly patted his elbow and made an indistinct voice: "Sheng Ji Ge Ge~~ Mud swollen, why don't you bully~~"

The cute little milk voice brought Shen Ji back to reality, and the moment he turned his head, he took a look at the other little friends...

Food had been accidentally thrown on the table, and some children started to grab it with their hands, talking and laughing while eating.

In comparison, Yu Yuanyuan and Gu Beiyan looked fairly clean, at least there were no flowers scattered around the plate, and there were no soup or oil spots on their bodies.

After a sumptuous dinner, the servant took the children to wash their hands and clean the food from the corners of their mouths.

Finally came the part that the children are most looking forward to——

eat cake!
Yu Yuanyuan, who desperately squeezed to the front row, really wanted to get a big cake!
The servant walked out slowly pushing the cart, and a six-layer cake appeared coolly.

The shape of the cake is very handsome, it is "powerful" that Yu Yuanyuan has never seen before!
She said "Wow", and her eyes were straight.

The children gathered around and lined up one by one, and Gu Jingye hugged his son to help him grow taller so that he could cut the cake.

When it was Yu Yuanyuan's turn, Gu Beiyan deliberately cut the largest piece eccentrically, and put the beautiful decorative chocolates and fruits on Yu Yuanyuan's plate.

A cake that was almost out of pile, Xiao Zaizai held it nervously, and found the most comfortable place on the carpet to sit and eat slowly.

The other children only ate one corner, but Yu Yuanyuan had already finished showing off the whole cake, and she was still trying to get another piece.

Just as Gu Beiyan was about to cut it, Gu Jingye held down his son's hand: "Yuanyuan, Mr. Yu said hello, saying that you can't eat too much cake, it will ruin your stomach, so you can only eat one piece."

"God—horse!" The little cub in the thunderbolt of the blue sky died instantly, put the plate on the table, and returned to the corner to sit down pitifully.

Dad didn't even come to the party, yet he wanted to remotely prevent her from eating the cake!
Although Shen Ji wanted to share some with her, but the one she ate just now was too big, eating another piece might really hurt her stomach.

Although Shen Ji would spoil her in everything, he didn't want to make her sick because of his partiality.

Depressed, Zai Zai didn't seem to be satisfied until he came home.

When Yu Jinxiao came to pick up Yu Yuanyuan, he sent Shen Ji back home by the way.

Just stepped into the bedroom, the phone vibrated several times in a row, Shen Ji took it out to check, it was indeed a message from Gu Beiyan.

"Quick, video! Yuanyuan's video!" Gu Beiyan shouted anxiously and softly in his voice.

Shen Ji raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, and after doing some operations on the phone, he sent the video.

Gu Beiyan, who was waiting on the opposite side, quickly opened it, but after seeing the content on the screen clearly, he was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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