The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 452 The Little Sun in Life

Chapter 452 The Little Sun in Life

There are only close-ups of lumps on the video, all kinds of shaking and crawling, and finally the video stops abruptly.

Gu Beiyan didn't even see Yu Yuanyuan's hair!

"This is the video you took??" Gu Beiyan couldn't believe it, and sent another voice confirmation, "Why is there only Tuotou, where is Yuanyuan?"

"That's how it was shot," Shen Ji replied confidently, "I put it in my shirt pocket at the time, maybe I accidentally touched the lens and zoomed in."

Gu Beiyan, who had heard Shen Ji's voice, was silent for a moment, and could only reply with an emoji with an ellipsis.

After closing the dialog box, Shen Ji exited step by step to the phone address book interface.

It has Yu Yuanyuan's number, Gao Zhou's number, Gu Beiyan's number, and Yu Jinxiao's number on it.

Although the number is not large, he never thought that so many people would occupy a place in his life.

And they all have one thing in common - Yu Yuanyuan.

It seems that Xiao Zai Zai is the little sun in his life, illuminating Shen Ji's dark world, and giving him more different lights without hesitation.

Shen Ji opened the photo album and played another video.

As soon as it was opened, Yu Yuanyuan's lovely voice of "Ya Ya Ya" came from inside.

The chubby figure sat on the ground, looking pitiful but extremely cute.

Gu Beiyan took the tuotuo and put it in the cage. The frightened little cat shook its head slightly, and tried to pretend to be strong by shaking its lips.

There are many small expressions on the face.

Shen Ji smiled and locked the phone screen, he will not share this video with others.

Xiao Zai Zai, who had already returned to Yu's house, was completely unaware that her frightened and terrified appearance was photographed, and she fell asleep in the car, and it was Yu Jinxiao who carried her out of the car.

As soon as he walked into the yard, Yu Jinxiao's cell phone rang, and the little boy in his arms trembled in fright.

The phone rang for a long time, and when it stopped, it came back again. Yu Jinxiao could only put Xiao Zai Zai on the sofa first.

In a daze, Yu Yuanyuan sat on the sofa in a daze, staring fixedly at the TV that was not turned on, and it took her a long time to regain her soul.

The yawning little Zaizai narrowed his eyes, and from the corner of his eye, he saw that the face of his father who was answering the phone turned ugly.

Just looking at it is fierce, like every time she steals ice cream.

The guilty Yu Zaizai sat up straight in fright, and subconsciously wanted to argue... No, she didn't steal ice cream!

"I see." Yu Jinxiao uttered the four short words with a strong sense of impatience.

Even the little cub next door pursed his lips obediently, not daring to provoke his father who exudes such an aura.

"Not sure, let's talk about it later."

The words fell, and the call was hung up.

Yu Jinxiao frowned and turned to Xiao Zai Zai, just in time to meet a pair of timid but... strong gossipy eyes.

She didn't say anything, but it seemed like she said everything.

"Don't gossip like this when you're young." Yu Jinxiao put away the phone, mercilessly destroying the little boy's curiosity.

Yu Yuanyuan pouted, and sat on the sofa shaking her feet: "But Dad looked so fierce just now, is someone trying to bully Dad?" The little guy suddenly raised his head and made a fierce expression, "Dad You can tell Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan will help you... help him teach him a lesson!"

I didn't want to laugh at first, unless I couldn't help it...

Who can you teach with your small body?

Seeing how sincere Yu Yuanyuan said, Yu Jinxiao deliberately asked: "Then you want to teach grandpa a lesson for me?"

"Karma?" Xiao Zai Zai petrified on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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