The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 453 You can go if you want

Chapter 453 You can go if you want
Yu Yuanyuan, who didn't understand what happened, just stood there.

Didn't you say that a lesson made Dad unhappy?

Why did it suddenly mention grandpa...could it be...that grandpa...made...papa unhappy?
She doesn't dare to teach her a lesson. Besides, grandpa is so good, she doesn't want to make him unhappy.

Seeing Yu Yuanyuan's shocked little expression, Yu Jinxiao's serious and heavy face showed a bit of playfulness: "Grandpa's birthday is tomorrow, let's go back to eat."

"Wow—" All the past memories of Xiao Zai Zai surfaced.

Grandpa said that his home is very big, there is a racecourse, and there are ponies!
Not only that, but there are also fun facilities like amusement parks!
Can you play seesaw at grandpa's house?
The imaginative Xiao Zai Zai quickly constructed an imaginary "Grandpa's Home" in his mind.

There is everything there, beautiful and novel, and all the curiosity in that small body is hooked out at once.

"You really want to go?" Yu Jinxiao frowned, seeing the undisguised expectation in the little guy's eyes, he couldn't help being surprised.

How did the old man's bad temper make this little glutinous rice ball like him?
Even his own son couldn't figure it out.

From childhood to adulthood, Yu Jinxiao knew this father better than anyone else, and it was this depth that made the father and son never cease fighting.

Contradictions are always on the verge of breaking out, and the father and son have become enemies.

Yu Jinxiao was the first to move out of the old house.

"Think about it, think about it," Yu Yuanyuan could see that her father didn't really want to go, so she immediately jumped up and acted like a baby, "Yuanyuan wants to go to grandpa's house to play, can you~~ can you~~ can you pull it out~~"

Yu Jinxiao really didn't want to go, and originally planned to be too courteous.

But looking at Yu Yuanyuan's expectant appearance, if he really refused, this little boy might be depressed at home for a whole day.

And... He really hasn't returned to the old house for too long.

On weekdays, Yu Jinxiao seldom went to the old house, and Mr. Yu never came to bother him. Their lives were like strangers, and they rarely interacted with each other.

The last time we met, it was because Mr. Yu heard that he had adopted Yuanyuan, and wanted to test the truth, but they broke up unhappy.

"You can go if you want," Yu Jinxiao resolutely threw the blame on Xiao Zai Zai, "I'll let Gao Zhou prepare presents."

It's not that he wants to go back, it's the little glutinous rice balls that want to go back!

"Yuanyuan also needs to prepare gifts!" Saying this, Xiao Zaizai was quiet for two seconds, then asked curiously, "Dad~~Is there anyone else going tomorrow?"

"And your uncle, second uncle, two aunts, and two cousins."

Xiao Zai Zai, who didn't understand this name at all, was stunned.

Seeing that his father had no intention of explaining, Xiao Zai Zai had no choice but to run upstairs and shut the door, rustling, wondering what he was doing inside.

Yu Jinxiao didn't disturb Xiaotangyuan's enthusiasm, told Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze about this matter, and went to the study to deal with business.

By the time he finished his work, Xiao Zai Zai's room was already quiet, and a warm light came out from the open door and sprinkled on the carpet.

He pushed the door open a little, and found that Yu Yuanyuan had fallen asleep lying on the carpet.

Curled up into a small ball, like a newborn cat, his belly rises and falls when he breathes.

There is also a big painting beside Xiao Zai Zai.

There are many people in the painting, among them is an old man with gray hair wearing a birthday hat, who looks like Mr. Yu at first glance.

Surrounded by many people who came to celebrate his birthday, including Yu Jinxiao and his family, even the family of the uncle and the family of the second uncle who had never masked were also painted on it.

I don't know why, but Yu Jinxiao's heart seemed to be clenched and let go suddenly by this immature painting.

The family described by Yuanyuan has a mother.

(End of this chapter)

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