The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 454 Super Big Manor

Chapter 454 Super Big Manor
Thinking of the sudden loss of control because of this incident in the past, and even frightened the little cub once.

Yu Jinxiao suddenly felt that some things were not happy for him, but he would never let his emotions get out of control easily.

As long as there is that soft little glutinous rice ball by his side, he can calm down quickly and let go of the stress and past that are trying to swallow him.

The open windows blow the curtains, and the drawing paper rustles on the floor.

Yu Jinxiao put the drawing paper on the table and spread it out. By the way, he pressed the four corners with Xiao Zai Zai's toys to prevent it from being blown away.

Seeing the little guy sleeping on the ground, Yu Jinxiao carried her to the bed, and skillfully wiped her face and feet.

This kind of thing was beyond his imagination before, but now it comes at his fingertips.

The sleepy little cub never woke up from the beginning to the end. She dreamed that she went to grandpa's house, but... that place was so deserted, only grandpa was standing alone at the gate of a huge manor waiting for her 's arrival

I don't know why, but the lonely scene hurt Xiao Zai Zai's heart, and he cried in his dream.

The night at the window was suppressed by the sunrise, and a piece of warm sunshine in the morning fell.

The drowsy little Zai Zai yawned and turned over in the quilt, only to realize that he was actually lying on the bed.

Hey, didn't she fall asleep on the carpet?

Yu Yuanyuan lifted the quilt and sat up in a daze, suddenly remembered her painting, turned over and got out of bed quickly, and saw the painting neatly pressed on the table.

"Did Yuanyuan put the painting away?" Xiao Zaizai scratched his messy hair in doubt, not wanting to spend too much time thinking about this irrelevant question.

The little cub who got up relied on his own efforts to wash his face and brush his teeth. Although there was water everywhere, he was at least done washing up.

When Yu Yuanyuan was happy and wanted to go downstairs for breakfast, as soon as she appeared downstairs, Yu Jinxiao who was sitting at the dining table fell silent.

"Yu Yuanyuan... your clothes." Yu Jinxiao took a sip of coffee, and his eyes fell on the string of toothpaste on her pajamas with disgust.

"Ah duck!" Only then did he realize how embarrassed he was, so he asked Aunt Chen to change his clothes pitifully.

After breakfast, Yu Jinxiao set off with the three children at home.

Although he originally planned to go in the afternoon, the little cub has been bouncing around after breakfast, shouting that he wants to accompany grandpa.

Yu Jinxiao's ears were hurt by her noise, so he could only leave early according to her.

It takes about forty minutes to drive from Yu's house to the old house.

Xiao Zai Zai was humming along the way, until he saw the car driving further and further away from high-rise buildings, and came to a suburb with beautiful scenery.

"Father~ How long will it take to arrive?"

"ten minutes."

Ten minutes passed, and Xiao Zai Zai asked again foolishly: "Daddy~ how long will it take to arrive?"

"Ten minutes." It was Yu Jinxiao's ruthless perfunctory again.

Xiao Zai Zai, who noticed something was wrong, frowned and pouted: "Ba Ba is lying! You just talked for ten minutes!"

"You don't even know the time, so why do you say I've lied to you?" Yu Jinxiao relied on his adult skills to hurt the little boy confidently.

Yu Yuanyuan shrank her neck and stopped talking.

QAQ, she will definitely study hard, the more she learns, the more Baba can't fool her!

The speed of the car slowly slowed down, and Yu Yuanyuan saw a magnificent gate in front of her, and only a small part of the super-large manor entered her field of vision.

" grandpa's home!!" Xiao Zai Zai asked Gao Zhou to roll down the car window, and lay his hands on the car window to look out in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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