The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 461 You son of a bitch, keep your voice down

Chapter 461 You son of a bitch, keep your voice down
The father who used to be aloof and even had a strong sense of distance has a different feeling in Yu Jinxiao's heart.

He didn't expect that one day he would want to describe his father as "cute".

The servants quickly came over with tables, chairs and sun umbrellas, and quickly set up a comfortable leisure area.

The sun is warming overhead, and the aroma of coffee and tea in hand is overflowing.

Not far away, there are cute children playing.

Everything at the moment makes Yu Jinxiao relax.

Several times, Mr. Yu wanted to say something, but he was afraid of accidentally breaking the balance of the day and making everything unpleasant.

Yu Jinxiao knew everything, and even knew that the arrogant old man had peeked at him a few times.

"Ask whatever you want, I won't get angry or get angry," Yu Jinxiao took another sip of coffee, and looked at Yu Yuanyuan who asked Yu Yingze to bury himself in the sand, "I have a very good temper now, and I can stand anything .”

Old Man Yu didn't hear the voice-over, and thought Yu Jinxiao was just being polite.

Although he didn't know why he wanted to be polite to his child, but there was a strangeness that he hadn't seen for a long time, and the sense of sadness that came to his heart after he was old, made Mr. Yu care more about the child's feelings than when he was young.

"It's nothing, I just want to ask you if you're tired recently," Mr. Yu was drinking tea, quietly watching his son's reaction from the corner of his eyes, "I heard that the company has several projects recently..."

"It's okay, I'm not very tired." I don't know what came to mind, Yu Jinxiao suddenly lowered his eyes and smiled, "Now I try to go home before 6 pm every day, and I can only stay in the study room until around ten o'clock at night. Otherwise, a small overseer will come and arrest you."

Mr. Yu was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly caught a little boy who had been buried until only his head was left in the direction of Yu Jinxiao's line of sight.

Suddenly realized.

It turns out that the little supervisor is Yu Yuanyuan.

"Don't worry, the sand is very clean, and it will be fine after a little shaking." After speaking, Mr. Yu raised his hand and pointed, confidently comforting Yu Jinxiao's brows that gradually began to twitch.

After playing with the little guy all morning, the servants in the old house prepared lunch.

The taste here is similar to that before Yu Jinxiao left, and it brings back many memories of his past.

After dinner, Xiao Zai Zai clamored for her grandpa to play with building blocks with her, but as a result, the three children fell asleep on the carpet in the playroom.

There is a full heating system in the room, even if you sleep on the carpet, it will not be cold, but warm.

Yu Mingxi was sitting by the window, taking advantage of the sunshine, with a novel covering his stomach and leaning his head on the recliner.

Not far from the sun lay Yu Yingze, occupying most of the carpet in the shape of a large character.

In order to have enough space to accommodate himself, Xiao Zai Zai curled himself up into a small ball, and the cat fell asleep on the carpet.

Yu Jinxiao was sitting on the sofa reading a book, looking at it, he suddenly realized that he was the only one who was awake in the whole room, and even old man Yu found a cushion to sleep on the carpet like Yu Yingze.

My father, who always strictly restrains himself, after meeting these little devils, became like a big boy instead, and he doesn't care about trivial matters in everything.

I don't know if the atmosphere was too harmonious, but Yu Jinxiao also started to feel a little sleepy.

Just when he was about to close his eyes and take a rest, there was a sudden noise from downstairs.

Those lively voices came all the way upstairs, and with a whoosh, the door opened.


Old Man Yu lay on the ground without moving, opened one eye and said sharply: "You son of a bitch, keep your voice down."

(End of this chapter)

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