Chapter 462
But it was too late to remind, Yu Yuanyuan, who was in a drowsy sleep, rubbed her eyes, raised her head and looked towards the door of the room in a daze.

Well...several people she didn't know!

There are men and women, and two... little brothers.

Old Man Yu sat up from the carpet, saw the awakened cub, and gently patted her on the head: "If you want to sleep, sleep for a while."

Sleepy enough that her eyes seemed to be covered with glue, Yu Yuanyuan groaned, turned her small body over, and fell asleep again.

The little figure lying on the carpet was round and cute, a small ball, and with breathing, the belly would rise and fall gently.

Yu Jinxiao woke up a long time ago. Seeing the shocked family of two brothers crowded at the door, he raised his hand and said hello: "Brother, sister-in-law, second brother, second sister-in-law."

"Jin Xiao! This this... Yuanyuan?" The elder brother Yu Qingqian, under the warning of Mr. Yu's eyes, pointed at the lump on the carpet under his voice.

Those ordinary fingers revealed Yu Qingqian's shock.

Yu Jinxiao nodded, and was mentally prepared for their reaction.

The children sleep well, no matter what they say, they still sleep soundly.

The second elder brother Yu Cangnan also squatted down curiously, and shifted to a new angle. After seeing that tender and cute little face clearly, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Yuanyuan is so cute!"

"It's cute, like a fake doll."

"Is this the new sister?"

"Yeah, isn't my sister cute?"

"It's...cute." The little boy nodded shyly.

The sister-in-law had long been curious about the little girl brought back by Yu Jinxiao, and she also stood aside and looked at it curiously.

Although she also has children, and her son looked cute when he was young, the little girl in front of her has a different kind of cuteness.

It seemed that the person lying there was a transformed kitten instead of an ordinary human being.

Probably because she sensed that there were too many eyes staring at her, Yu Yuanyuan turned over and changed back, and when she opened her eyes, she met Liu Dao's gaze.

Those six eyes all stared at her.

Yu Yuanyuan was stunned by so many eyes.

She wanted to get up, but in the middle of the climb, a group of people she had never seen before were all looking at herself with wide eyes and curiosity.

"You... who are you?" The soft voice almost melted people's hearts, "Why are you staring at Yuanyuan? Is there any mark on Yuanyuan's face?"

The round little hands raised up and patted on the cheeks, and then touched them lightly after the pats.

The little furry head is a little messy because of sleeping, it looks like a little peach.

"Yuanyuan, this is Uncle, Aunt, and Brother," Yu Jinxiao stepped forward and introduced to the little guy next to each other, "This is Second Uncle, Second Aunt, and Second Brother."

"Ah," Xiao Zaizai suddenly thought of something, and looked at Yu Yingze who was snoring next to him, "But Yuanyuan has a second brother."

Yu Jinxiao was silent for a moment, and re-emphasized: "This is the second elder brother."

"Wow, Second Brother Tang."

For some reason, Yu Linsen felt that the way Yu Yuanyuan looked at him was a little frightening, as if he was looking at something delicious.

After introducing Xiao Zai Zai here, the others almost woke up.

I have met the other children many times before, they are also of similar age, and they proposed to play badminton outside.

Mr. Yu waved his hand triumphantly, and asked the servants to prepare the newly bought badminton rackets for them.

It's just that Yu Yuanyuan is too small, the racket is about the same height as her, let alone let her play.

In the end, Xiao Zai Zai sat alone on the sofa by the window, staring blankly at the other brothers playing badminton outside the window, surrounded by all kinds of polite adults chatting about business.

Hearing the drowsy little cub, he wanted to take a nap again.

The eyes are opened and then squinted, and there are only slits left after squinting.

Yu Jinxiao was talking when he felt something hit his back with a thud.

It was so loud that the conversation was interrupted by the "boom".

(End of this chapter)

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