The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 463 I think Yuanyuan is not bad...

Chapter 463 I think Yuanyuan is not bad...

Probably because Dad's back was too strong, Yu Yuanyuan hit his head a little dizzy.

The drowsiness is gone, only the eyes are spinning around.

Xiao Zaizai covered his head, whimpered and rolled around on the sofa, and said to the back of the sofa: "Baba, why is your back as thick as the sofa!"

The next second, a voice came from behind: "That's because the person you're talking to is the sofa."

Yu Jinxiao's tone was calm and calm, as soon as he heard it, he knew that he had long been used to this kind of ostentation.

The others couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing.

Yu Yuanyuan patted her painful head, rubbed her buttocks on the sofa, and finally found the right direction: "Pull, Yuanyuan's head is dizzy."

"Bumped into it?" Yu Jinxiao hugged him in his arms, brushed aside his hair and checked, everything was fine.

It can't be that his back will knock people out of trouble, right?

Xiao Zai Zai was rubbing his head at first, probably because he felt that Yu Jinxiao's arms were very comfortable, and he fell asleep again after nestling up, hanging on Yu Jinxiao's arm like melted sugar water.

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

"Yuanyuan is so cute, she is very suitable..." The second brother was about to continue, when he suddenly felt a gaze fall on him, subconsciously stopped the words behind him with a guilty conscience.

This younger brother has always had a bad temper, and he doesn't easily give others face. Some things he said are just to embarrass himself, so it's okay not to say them.

Everyone continued to return the topic to daily life, chatted about the interesting things they encountered at work on weekdays, and shared some information that they had inadvertently gained on weekdays.

But the second brother Yu Cangnan has the most information.

Because he is in charge of an entertainment company under the Yu Group, which controls half of the country's entertainment resources, and he is also a director, so he knows the most gossip on weekdays.

"By the way, your new movie is good. Your sister-in-law and I both went to see it." The elder brother Yu Qingqian gave a thumbs up as if looking for something to say.

Although Yu Cangnan has his own entertainment company, he likes making movies very much, and he can't spare a few days all year round.

For him, other people's affirmation and praise of the film will instantly heighten his desire to talk.

Yu Cangnan, who was sitting upright, suddenly adjusted his chair, and asked excitedly, "Brother, tell me, where do you think the movie is 'good'? I also want to collect some real feelings from the audience."

"Ah..." Yu Qingqian opened his mouth wide and was stunned, "The story is not bad."

"and then?"

"The heroine is beautiful."

"Brother, there is no heroine in my play."


Yu Cangnan didn't need to ask anymore, he knew everything, whoever made him like to make literary movies, not everyone would appreciate it.

Disappointed, Yu Cangnan held his last ray of hope and glanced at Yu Jinxiao——

"I didn't watch it. I'm usually busy with children, so that movie shouldn't be suitable for them to watch."

Okay, it seems to make sense.

Yu Cangnan nodded, he knew long ago that the path of pursuing art is lonely.

Yu Yuanyuan was drowsy in Yu Jinxiao's arms, her head was shaking in a circle, and she suddenly lost her balance. After waking up, she nervously grabbed the air with her claws: "It's about to fall, Yuanyuan is about to fall!"

"I was supporting you, why did it fall?" Yu Jinxiao looked down at that little head that was shaking.

"Yuanyuan is so cute." Yu Cangnan narrowed his eyes and sighed again, "Jin Xiao, I have something I want to talk to you about!"

"What's the matter?" Yu Jinxiao had an ominous premonition.

"Come here, come here."

Yu Cangnan pulled the person aside and deliberately avoided Yu Yuanyuan before asking mysteriously: "Our company has a variety show and needs a three-year-old kid as a guest, I think Yuanyuan is pretty good... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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