The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 466 He also had a childhood, okay!

Chapter 466 He also had a childhood, okay!
"I thought about it, but..." Yu Jinxiao looked at the little glutinous rice ball who would have fun on his own and not disturb the adults to talk about business, and suddenly there was a trace of concern in his eyes, "I believe many people, including you, the second brother, will think that Yuanyuan is alternatives."

Of course Yu Cangnan knew what he was talking about.

After a brief moment of astonishment, Yu Cangnan boldly asked: "Isn't it?"

"Of course not," Yu Jinxiao's voice was a little louder, but he didn't get angry, "Even if Xiaobao was there when I met Yu Yuanyuan, I would take her home without hesitation."

Yu Cangnan nodded with deep understanding: "That's true, I would do it for me, Yuanyuan is so cute, she is simply a sweetheart, whoever picks her up is a treasure."

After saying that, he noticed a cold light focused on him, it was Yu Jinxiao's sharp eyes.

"Hahahaha, just kidding," Yu Cangnan hurriedly said haha, and suddenly patted Yu Jinxiao's shoulder emotionally, "To be honest, we brothers haven't had a good chat for a long time, and this time you come back... Jinxiao, you have changed a lot Big."

As for who made him change so much, Yu Cangnan didn't continue to talk, but looked at Yu Yuanyuan who was still squatting.

Judging from Yu Jinxiao's proficient way of taking care of the children, he knew that only that group of cuties could completely change this man with a violent temper and ruthless methods.

"Yu Yuanyuan, what are you doing?" Yu Jinxiao had secretly looked at her several times, and the little glutinous rice balls squatted without moving, like a fake doll.

Xiao Zai Zai moved his ears, continued to squat on the ground and turned to look at him: "Baba, Yuanyuan is looking for a home for the little ants."

Yu Jinxiao & Yu Cangnan: "?"

The two big men squatted down, one on the left and the other on the right, watching the operation of Xiao Zai Zai.

I saw that she was holding a small wooden stick. Wherever the little ant crawled, she blocked it, trying to drive it into the black hole next to it.

Yu Cangnan was surprised to find that this clumsy-looking little guy reacted quite quickly.

The little ant can be blocked every time, and it can't be hurt.

After observing for about a minute, Yu Jinxiao also found a branch from the side, and clicked on the small hole: "Yu Yuanyuan, that hole is not an ant hole."

"Ah?" Shocked, Xiao Zai Zai raised his head and asked in surprise, "Ba Ba, how do you know! Did Chong Chong tell you!"

Do you still need to tell me?

Hehe, he also had a childhood, okay?

Yu Jinxiao pawed a few times with the wooden stick in his hand, and suddenly two little black worms crawled out of the hole, so frightened that Yu Yuanyuan jumped on his back screaming.

"If you drive the ants to the entrance of this hole, you are sending people away... sending the ants to die."

Yu Cangnan, who was watching the whole process, was out of breath with laughter. In just a few minutes, the expression on Yu Yuanyuan's face changed so much that it felt like a variety show.

He can't wait until the show starts filming!

Xiao Zai Zai couldn't refute. Seeing the ants still spinning around in the grass, he suddenly squatted down, his eyes were sincere and apologetic: "I'm sorry, little ant, the circle is wrong, but luckily you're fine."

"Listen, it also spoke." Yu Jinxiao pointed at the little ant with a very serious expression.

Yu Yuanyuan still believed it, and put her ear to it to hear it.

"It said thank you, the sixth child." Yu Jinxiao leaned towards her other upturned ear and said.

Although he didn't know what the sixth child was, Xiao Zai Zai was smart enough to judge from his father's expression that this was not a good word.

Xiao Zai Zai's face was hurt: "Baba, why did you learn so badly!"

"I learned it online." Yu Jinxiao was confident.

(End of this chapter)

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