The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 467 What Are You Carrying?

Chapter 467 What Are You Carrying?

Yu Jinxiao is not a god who does not eat fireworks in the world, he now occasionally pays attention to new things on the Internet.

After all, there are three children in the family. If he doesn't catch up with the trend, he might be regarded by his sons as a boring father who is holding back.

After Yu Cangnan listened to the conversation, he couldn't straighten up from laughing.

The quacking laughter was so exaggerated that it was like a boiling kettle.

After Yu Jinxiao finished teasing Xiao Zai Zai, he looked back and saw that the second brother's face was flushed, and he was twitching while clutching his stomach: "Aren't you? You laughed as if you were about to pass out."

Yu Cangnan patted Yu Jinxiao's shoulder after barely exhaling: "Yes, it's really possible. I didn't expect you, Jinxiao, to be good at variety shows. If you have a chance in the future... can come to the show too ...hahahahaha."

Yu Jinxiao: "..." Don't dare, I'm afraid you will die laughing on the spot, and it will be difficult to end.

In the sunny afternoon, the temperature was stolen by the cooling dusk.

The manor was shrouded in a beautiful sunset, and the clouds in the sky seemed to be on fire, and the colors were bright and gorgeous.

It was the first time for Xiao Zai Zai to stay away from high-rise buildings, and was so attracted by the scenery in front of him that he couldn't look away.

Apart from the beautiful scenery of the manor, what attracted her most was the food.

The long table in the old house was very long, similar to the long table used in the old castle seen on TV, and Mr. Yu sat at the first seat.

Looking at the table full of delicacies, Xiao Zai Zai rested his hands on the table, his eyes stared straight.

There are so many good things to eat today!

"Yuanyuan, if you like anything, let the sister next to you serve it for you." Mr. Yu saw Xiao Zai Zai's eyes from a long distance away.

It was the craving, the anticipation, the thrill of wanting to eat.

"Okay... hiss." Xiao Zai Zai drooled, even speaking a little awkwardly.

The maids and sisters next to him laughed quietly, and quickly served Xiao Zai Zai some dishes without chili.

Mr. Yu prefers Chinese style, but he also prepares all kinds of Western style meals in consideration of young people.

This table mix-and-match looked strange, but Yu Jinxiao's heart was once again shaken.

When they were young, they never dared to express their taste preferences, because their father would tell them to have balanced nutrition, not to be picky eaters, and to have nothing to like or dislike.

Under strong pressure, the three brothers gradually lost the ability to express themselves.

But now the table is full of different styles of dishes, but it silently shows his father's joy for them to go home.

"Dad, happy birthday." Yu Jinxiao suddenly picked up the wine glass and raised it towards the first seat.

The stunned old man Yu paused, quickly picked up his wine glass, and tried to remain elegant: "Thank you."

"Father didn't call Yuanyuan," Xiao Zaizai protested, holding a spoon beside him, "Yuanyuan wants to wish grandpa a happy birthday too!"

"Okay, okay, thank you Yuanyuan." Mr. Yu laughed so hard that he couldn't see his eyes all day today, and happily raised his wine glass again.

Xiao Zaizai knew that blessings should be clinked, so he grabbed a round object in one fell swoop: "Happy birthday to grandpa, Yuanyuan hopes that grandpa is in good health and happy every day! Happy knocking!"

Sometimes, children's blessings are simple and sincere, without any pretense.

Old Man Yu was moved when he heard it. Just as he felt his eyes were a little moist, he was suddenly amused by the thing in Xiao Zai Zai's hands.

"Yu Yuanyuan, what are you carrying!" Yu Jinxiao raised his forehead, and glanced at the unconscious little boy from the corner of his eye.

Yu Cangnan who was sitting opposite was already choking on the food from laughter, Yu Jinxiao was really afraid that he would die from laughing.

Only then did Xiao Zai Zai turn her gaze to her paws... Hey, she wanted to serve juice, why did she become a job bowl!

(End of this chapter)

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