The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 472 The skill is really not weak at 1 point

Chapter 472

Xie Xin, who had been trembling all this time, nodded, with a few strands of sweat dripping from his forehead.

"If Yuanyuan is scolded because of me, I will let her quit the show." Yu Jinxiao's attitude was very firm, and Xie Xin was frightened when he looked at it.

This condition sounds tricky, but Xie Xin did his homework before coming here.

Yu Yuanyuan was a child adopted by Yu Jinxiao not long ago. Coupled with what happened in his family before, many people would subconsciously regard Yu Yuanyuan as a substitute for the dead child.

However, Xie Xin didn't think so.

He, Yu Jinxiao, wanted money, power, and power. If he wanted to find a substitute, why wait so many years until now?
There is nothing he can't do.

Xie Xin thought about it carefully, Yu Jinxiao must have his own reasons for adopting this child, but it is unlikely that it is to make this child a substitute.

"I understand," Xie Xin nodded, and said sincerely, "Mr. Yu, I understand your concerns very well. Cangnan is my good friend and my boss. I will never do anything to deceive his relatives. How about Shall we... talk frankly?"

Yu Jinxiao nodded, his frowning eased.

Xie Xin inquired about Yu Jinxiao's thoughts carefully, and learned about the process and reasons for adopting Yuanyuan in the first place.

After Yu Jinxiao finished the detailed process, Xie Xin smiled and it was already very difficult.

"Yuanyuan is really cute, puff," Xie Xin felt uncomfortable, and said embarrassedly, "It seems that some things are predestined by fate."

Whether it is for Yu Jinxiao or Yu Yuanyuan, it is very rare for them to meet each other.

"Ba Ba Ba Ba," Xiao Zai Zai happily jumped over after eating, "Yuanyuan is full."

After she finished speaking, she patted her stomach and made two crisp muffled sounds.

"Well, I can hear it, just hearing this voice filled a lot of food," Yu Jinxiao glanced at the refrigerator in the kitchen, "Why don't we throw away the refrigerator one day and put all the food in your stomach? Like? Anyway, you can put it down."

Xie Xin was surprised by Yu Jinxiao's taunting skills.

Yu Jinxiao, who looks serious and has an intimidating aura, is so good at complaining! !

"No way," Yu Yuanyuan shook her head seriously, "Yuanyuan won't spit out cold air, ice cream will melt in Yuanyuan's stomach!"

ho! !

This little milk bag looks small, but the retaliation skills are really not weak at all.

"Come and sit down, Uncle Xie has been waiting for you for a long time," Yu Jinxiao picked up the little guy and put it on his lap, helping her tidy up her messy hair. "Have you figured it out, do you want to participate in the recording of the show? If you do, you can’t go back on your word.”

"Yuanyuan wants to take pictures!" Xiao Zaizai raised his hands excitedly, and after shouting loudly, he looked at Xie Xin mysteriously, "Susu, you need to take better pictures of Yuanyuan."

"You know about beauty at a young age?" Yu Jinxiao made another merciless complaint.

Yu Yuanyuan never gets hurt when her father complains, she only responds innocently: "Yuanyuan likes to look good, does Baba like being ugly?"

Yu Jinxiao: "..." Powerless to refute, I judge you to win.

While observing the interaction between father and daughter, Xie Xin used a small notebook to record, and after a while, he wrote several pages full.

Yu Jinxiao knew that Xie Xin's purpose of coming here today was to communicate and observe, and he didn't interfere with his records, nor did he mention what effect he wanted to shoot.

Father is kind and daughter is filial?harmonious family?Have fun?

For Yu Jinxiao, what he wants is not to create a false family atmosphere, but to record and disclose the real Yu Yuanyuan.

Because, that's enough to make people like it.

(End of this chapter)

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