The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 473 Don't You Have A Favorite Idol?

Chapter 473 Don't You Have A Favorite Idol?
Xie Xin also learned about Xiao Zai Zai Zai Zai's hobbies and school situation, and recorded all the information in a small notebook in detail.

He is not used to relying on mobile phones and computers. If these electronic products are lost, there is no way to get them back.

It is safer to write it by hand, and he will enter it into the computer later to deepen his memory by the way.

"Does Yuanyuan have a celebrity brother or sister that she likes?" Xie Xin started to understand the details of the show after learning about other things.

Yu Yuanyuan stared blankly at Xie Xin for a while, and said, "Yuanyuan likes that..."

"Which one?" Xie Xin looked softly, curious which name this little guy would say.

"Bao Kiki." Xiao Zai Zai answered loudly.

Xie Xin was taken aback, and glanced at Yu Jinxiao uneasily: "What is Bao Qiqi..."

There are still celebrities he has never heard of? ?

Yu Jinxiao sighed, searched on the phone for a while, and showed him a cartoon image: "This."

A moment of silence.

Yu Jinxiao emphasized again: "This Bao Qiqi has recently co-branded with a bakery, and Yu Yuanyuan likes to eat it very much."

Xie Xin suddenly realized, nodded and solemnly wrote two large characters on the small notebook: "Love to eat."

It seems that these two simple words are not enough, so I added a prefix: "I especially love to eat."

After finishing the small book, Xie Xin planned to ask a few more questions in a guided manner: "Yuanyuan usually watches those brothers and sisters who advertise on TV and act in TV dramas. Do you have any favorites?"

"..." Yu Yuanyuan bit her finger and thought about it for a while, "But they don't even know each other."

Xie Xin grinned, laughing so stiffly.

What should I do when assigning members?

After interacting with Yu Yuanyuan for most of the day today, Xie Xin felt for the first time that human cubs can be so cute, even a bit partial, and wanted Yu Yuanyuan to choose her favorite idol and let them arrange it.

In the end, Xiao Zai Zai means that she doesn't have an idol she likes, right?
"Yuanyuan, don't you have a favorite idol? None?" Xie Xin wanted to make sure again.

Tilting her head dully, Yu Yuanyuan asked curiously, "What is an idol?"

"It's just... the person you think he's great, you think he's good-looking, you think he's amazing, in short, he's the person you really like." In order to make it easier for Xiao Zai Zai to understand, Xie Xin used a simple and rude way of summarizing .

Yu Yuanyuan really thought about it for a while, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Yu Jinxiao's clothes: "Baba! Baba is Yuanyuan's idol!"


This answer made Xie Xin's heart tremble.

He has heard many answers to this question.

Some children said that they like a certain actor, a certain singer, or a certain host.

Only Yu Yuanyuan said that her idol is her father.

Although the corners of his mouth were smirking, Yu Jinxiao still pretended to be calm on the surface, and patted Xiao Zaizai's head: "Forget it, she rarely watches TV dramas or anything, she only watches cartoons, and likes to draw, so she probably doesn't have any idols. "

"Yes, yes, it's Dad!" Xiao Zai Zai was still emphasizing in a childish voice.

Yu Jinxiao: "..." Okay, okay, it's enough to say it once, and it's embarrassing to say it any longer.

For such a little friend, Xie Xin has long been prepared.

He suddenly took out a stack of photos, male and female, and spread them out on the sofa: "Why don't Yuanyuan take a look at the photos, which brother or sister do you like?"

(End of this chapter)

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