The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 474 Sending Yu Jinxiao back to the hot search

Chapter 474 Sending Yu Jinxiao back to the hot search
There are idols, singers, actors, and hosts in the photos.

All are under the age of 25, single, and have no children.

This condition was carefully selected by their program group.

If guests have children and have rich experience in raising children, they may lack some interesting collisions.

Yu Yuanyuan looked at it very seriously, holding up each photo one by one and looking at them.

Every brother and sister is very good-looking, let her choose, but she really can't choose.

Xiao Zaizai was so dizzy thinking about it, he stared at the photo for a full five minutes, and finally——

Get distracted by commercials on TV.

"Sweet and delicious, are you in love?"

An advertisement was playing on the TV, and the picture stayed on a big cheesecake, which was very tempting just by looking, let alone a snack like Yu Yuanyuan.

One second I was still selecting photos, and the next second I was attracted by the food and ran away.

Yu Jinxiao even suspected that if he added a picture of bread to the pile of photos, Xiao Zai Zai would choose bread without hesitation.

Where does she need a partner, she just wants a bag of food.

After the TV commercials seduced people with delicious-looking cakes, the spokesperson of the brand suddenly appeared.

Xiao Zaizai's eyes lit up suddenly, and he grabbed one of the photos and held it up high: "Is this brother on TV?"

Xie Xin took a look and nodded: "Yes, yes, this is the elder brother. His name is He Chen."

"Yuanyuan likes this brother," Xiao Zaizai's eyes sparkled, and his chubby fingers rested on the photo, "I like to introduce a 'delicious' brother~"

"It's He Chen, not delicious," Xie Xin nodded with a helpless smile, and put the photo away, "Then if Brother He Chen and Yuan Yuan play games together, would Yuan Yuan be willing?"

"Okay, okay." The little guy agreed.

It was not easy for Yu Yuanyuan to choose a partner she was interested in. Xie Xin didn't ask her any more about her impressions of other people, and chatted with Yu Jinxiao to pack up her things and leave.

Before leaving, Xie Xin said with all his heart that he would definitely make everyone like Yuanyuan, and told him not to worry.

The decision to disclose her identity will never be a mistake.

Yu Jinxiao has never been used to trusting people, but right now, he can only gamble.

After seeing Xie Xin off, Yu Jinxiao turned his head and saw Yu Yuanyuan sitting on the sofa and eating again.

It's a sugar-free cake that Aunt Chen just baked.

Yu Yuanyuan held it in her hand like holding a baby, took a small bite, narrowed her eyes in satisfaction, took another small bite, and then narrowed her eyes again.

Those who don't know think what is good to eat.

In the afternoon, Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze, who had gone out to study and play football, came back.

Yu Jinxiao told about Yu Yuanyuan's participation in the recording of the show, and the two children were surprised and surprised, as if they couldn't believe that this was something their father would agree to.

"Should come to take pictures of our home at that time," Yu Jinxiao said calmly, "Don't be nervous."

Nervous or not, the two of them are even looking forward to it!

I've never been on TV. I don't know if it's fun to be on TV?

The number of people who were looking forward to recording changed from one to three in one fell swoop. The first thing they did when they came home from school every day was to find out if there was a film crew at home.

But Yu Jinxiao was the only one who knew the progress of the filming. The matter was not so fast. There were many processes to be determined in the early stage, as well as publicity and other means.

It's just that Yu Jinxiao, who had already been prepared for the turmoil, did not expect it to happen so quickly.

On the second day after signing the filming contract, something happened on the Internet immediately.

Someone released three videos about him, putting Yu Jinxiao back on the trending list.

(End of this chapter)

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