The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 476 You are all big villains

Chapter 476 You are all big villains

Yu Yingze was not in the mood to explain to Xiao Zai Zai.

But he was really annoyed by the comments on the Internet, and Yu Mingxi was in poor health, so he didn't dare to complain too much, for fear of angering his brother.

The gas in his stomach was about to explode, and in the end, Yu Yingze took Xiao Zai Zai as a confidant, babbled about the whole story, and scolded those people severely.

Yu Yuanyuan's poor comprehension ability can only grasp a few key points.

In the software on the mobile phone, some people scolded Baba, saying that Baba is a bad person, and that Baba bullies the bad people, but in fact, Baba punishes those bad people!
Even typing on the Internet, Yu Yingze's body became hot and sweated profusely because of his anger.

"Forget it, I'm going to take a shower first, and I'm going to eat soon." After saying that, Yu Yingze got up and took a change of clothes, leaving Yu Yuanyuan behind and went to the bathroom alone.

Xiao Zaizai squatted beside the bed in a daze, feeling a little bored in a daze. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Yu Yingze's phone that he forgot to lock the screen.

Stretching out her little hand and poking lightly, a symbol she couldn't understand jumped out on the interface.

Thinking of what the second elder brother said just now, Xiao Zaizai only knows that there are people scolding Baba on this thing, and many bad people scold Baba!
The angry little Zai Zai stretched out her hand and poked it again, and the picture suddenly jumped out of her own face, with a red dot in the middle.

The little guy who was rolling on the bed poked it, leaned close to the phone and said in a childish voice: "Big villains~~ You are all big villains~ Why are you scolding Baba!"

Xiao Zai Zai, who seemed to be waiting for a response, winked at himself in the phone.

"It's alright for Baba to knock him down, those who scold him are all bad guys, and you are all bad guys, big~~bad~~egg~~"

After chirping and quacking, Xiao Zai Zai stared at the screen with his eyes wide open again, and the video suddenly jumped to upload.

This series of operations was done by Yu Yuanyuan, she didn't even know what she was doing, seeing that her profile picture was gone, she jumped off the bed and ran back to the bedroom to play.

Yu Yingze, who came out of the shower, was already hungry, and didn't bother to check the situation on the Internet, so he went downstairs directly.

But when he returned to his room after eating, he opened the mobile app...

Suddenly, a 999+ message alert popped up, and the background ding dong ding dong crazily reminded me that my phone almost crashed.

what's the situation? ? ?
Yu Yingze's eyes widened!
Could it be that he was scolded on the hot search?
No, he set a setting that does not allow strangers to send private messages, and also turned off reply reminders and @reminders from strangers.

I have been "fighting" on the Internet for a long time before, and I haven't received any news. Why do so many pop up all of a sudden?

Curious and apprehensive, Yu Yingze clicked on the message reminder.


what the hell? ? ?

Why are there so many comments? !
He has never posted on Weibo!

Even the account of this battle is a trumpet, it is all empty, without leaving any traces and reposts of real life.

Moreover, the painting style of the message is a bit weird.

[Ouch, what a peerless cutie! 】

[No way, the guy who was online with us just now was a brat?I saw that she seemed to be unable to speak clearly, how could she type so slickly? 】

[It's so cute, I feel guilty when I think of the vicious words I used to scold her just now.No, I'm going to watch the video again. 】

Looking at these messages, Yu Yingze felt baffled.


what cute?
He calls people cute?
Following the message, Yu Yingze found that he had posted a Weibo two hours ago, and it was a video! ! !
Trembling, I clicked on the video, and the first thing that popped up was Yu Yuanyuan's cute big head.

The round head looked and touched curiously in front of the camera, and suddenly said childishly: "Big villains~~ You are all big villains~ Why are you scolding Baba!"

(End of this chapter)

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