The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 477 Hanging brightly on the first one

Chapter 477

Probably because they got too close, the little milky accent is very cute, the voice is sweet and sweet, combined with the cute big eyes peeking at the camera, like a kitten playing with the owner's mobile phone.

"It's alright for Baba to knock him down, those who scold him are all bad guys, and you are all bad guys, big~~bad~~egg~~"

The last three words were still like little balls, popping out one by one, so cute that my heart trembled.

After Yu Yuanyuan finished "cursing", she seemed to be pointing her hands curiously again, her focused little eyes were very funny, and she finally turned off the video.

The whole video is about three minutes long, and the people in the comment area seem to find it unsatisfactory, and they are still screaming for more cute videos below.

Yu Yingze felt dizzy for a while, looking at the comments in the comment area from 1000+ to 3000+ and finally approaching 10000+, and fell into deep thought.

It's over, Yu Yuanyuan seems to have done something terrible.

Quite a few people wanted to scold people because Yu Yingze was in line with someone on other weibo, but they happened to see the video that Yu Yuanyuan accidentally sent, and they got blood all over their faces.

Everyone is curious about who this little cub is, and who is the "father" mentioned in the video.

【Could it be Yu Jinxiao's daughter? 】

[Are you stupid?Yu Jinxiao's daughter died three years ago, if she could post Weibo and scold you, then you must have seen hell. 】

[It makes sense, then why is she helping Yu Jinxiao to match up? 】

[Upstairs, do you think she looks like she can read and type at her age? 】

[This account is not right, could it be that it was hacked by Yu Jinxiao's operation team before?The cutie who posted the video now is the real person? 】

[Ouch, my darling, whoever scolded you, Auntie beat him for you! 】

【So cute, awsl】

In addition to questioning the previous confrontation with netizens, the painting style in the comment area also has many people curious about Yu Yuanyuan's identity.

Most of the rest are in awsl, so cute, so cute, come here and kiss...

Yu Yingze's scalp was numb, and he grabbed his phone and rushed to Yu Yuanyuan's bedroom, catching the culprit: "Yu Yuanyuan, why are you using my phone to send videos!"

Xiao Zai Zai, who was drawing a picture, was stunned on the spot, and it could even be said that he didn't respond to his words at all. There was only a deep sense of confusion in his big eyes.

She probably doesn't know what "posting a video" is, everything is a mistake.

With a sullen face, Yu Yingze showed her the video that Xiao Zai Zai recorded and sent out just now.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yuanyuan was watching and giggling, pointing at herself in the video, hehehe: "Yuanyuan's head is so big, hahaha, so funny."

You can laugh, but I am ridiculous! !

Not waiting for Yu Yingze to attack Xiao Zai Zai, Yu Mingxi also rushed in with his mobile phone, and pushed the door in a gaffe——

It turns out that Yu Yingze has been here for a long time.

"Yingze, what's going on with this video?" Yu Mingxi pointed at the trending video, unbelievable.

Yu Yingze helped his forehead helplessly, and pointed to Yu Yuanyuan next door: "I went to take a shower in the afternoon, and she took it by herself with my mobile phone, and I just saw it."

"How about...delete it quickly." Yu Mingxi didn't know what to do, so he could only propose a way to draw salary from the bottom of the pot.

Apart from this method, there seemed to be no other good suggestions. Yu Yingze took out his phone and deleted the video in two or three clicks.

I thought that the trending searches would slowly drop in this way.

Unexpectedly, after the three children waited in the room for an hour——

The trending searches climbed higher and higher, directly overshadowing Yu Jinxiao's topic, and it was clearly listed as the first one.

They deleted the video, but someone on the Internet has already saved it, and it has been posted everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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