The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 478 Don't worry, I won't hit you

Chapter 478 Don't worry, I won't hit you

Yu Yingze originally turned off Stranger@, but because it was popular, he had to search for his ID.

As a result, in real time, a lot of people were Art and him, and they were all eagerly asking why the video was deleted!
There is also a large piece urging him to update quickly, wanting to see more cuties.

The three children broke out in cold sweat. According to the heat... Dad should know soon.

After all, it was Dad who was scolded for the top spot in the hot search before, no, it was sent to the top, it is impossible for Yuanyuan to cover up this matter!
Just when the three little guys were in a panic, footsteps sounded in the corridor outside.

That was clearly the sound of Dad walking towards them! !

Yu Mingxi was also frightened, and hurried around to the other side of the bed, lining up with Yu Yingze and Yu Yuanyuan.

The aura like a great devil first arrived at Yu Yingze's room, then Yu Mingxi's room the next second, and the door of Yu Yuanyuan's room! !
A creepy feeling climbed up the back, making the three children shrink themselves at the same time, and quietly hid beside the bed.

Especially Yu Yingze, he just felt that his head was wowing, and he didn't know how to explain to his father later.


The door was opened.

The light in the bedroom was dim, and the figure at the door was against the light in the corridor, and only a dark silhouette could be seen.

They judged from that height that it was Dad!

But the atmosphere of terror has increased! !

Why does it feel like Dad's air pressure is low, and he looks like he's coming to eat children! !

The three children stared blankly at the door without speaking, as if whoever opened the mouth first would be the first bird and would be the first to be caught and punished.

"You guys took that video, right?" Yu Jinxiao turned against the light, and asked coldly at the door, "You guys also posted it on the Internet, right?"

Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze were still thinking about how to explain, Xiao Zai Zai gave the head first by himself: "What video duck?"

Yu Jinxiao, who was depressed, turned on his phone, clicked on a video, and played it for her.

Yu Yuanyuan still climbed onto the bed, deliberately took a closer look, and waited until the three-minute video was over, shrank her neck guiltily, and asked after hiding, "Did Yuanyuan do something wrong?"

"You didn't." Yu Jinxiao said every word.

The naive little boy thought that his father was really asking, and stammered: "Yuanyuan took the picture herself, and it seems that Yuanyuan accidentally posted it on the Internet."

Yu Yingze and Yu Mingxi cast sympathetic glances at her at the same time.

You are finished with you.

You're done!
How dare you suppress Dad's hot search, no, you were found by Dad on the hot search!
"Well, Yu Yuanyuan, come here." Yu Jinxiao still stood at the door, and moved a little towards the room.

It was as if he was weaving some terrible seal at the door, ready to wipe out all the little friends in the house.

Yu Yuanyuan, who already knows how to read the air, feels that the atmosphere is not good, this cold tone, the way of talking without a word of extraneous words...

It seems that every time something big happens, it will appear!

Yu Yuanyuan immediately shrank back to the side of the bed, only showing half of her small head: "Yuanyuan is afraid, Baba, will you hit Yuanyuan?"

"Don't worry, I won't hit you." Yu Jinxiao's voice was still calm.

After getting the guarantee, the frightened little cub moved out his little feet, and it took him a long time to squirm in front of Yu Jinxiao.

In the next second, that handsome and flawless face emerged from the darkness of light and shadow, with sullen pulsating clearly on his brows.

He hugged Yu Yuanyuan up, gritted his teeth and said, "I won't hit you, but I didn't say I won't scold you!"

Yu Yuanyuan immediately began to cry and struggle: "Brother, second brother, help~~ save Yuanyuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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