Chapter 479

The poor little cub was struggling in Yu Jinxiao's arms.

But no matter how she moved, that arm tightly held her, and she couldn't escape from its claws no matter what.

"Father..." Yu Mingxi bravely stood up and persuaded, "She didn't do it on purpose, this already like this, why don't we think of a way?"

Being said that by a child, Yu Jinxiao seemed like a caring person.

Yu Jinxiao frowned, glanced at the whining little guy hanging on his arm: "Yu Yuanyuan, do you know what's wrong?"

"I got it, I got it," Yu Yuanyuan cried pitifully, "Yuanyuan knew she was wrong."

Hey, she knew she was wrong, so what else?What else can I do?
Yu Jinxiao put the person back on the ground, and glanced at the three children in the room with restless eyes: "I'll take care of this matter, don't worry about it."

"Father..." Yu Mingxi wanted to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he suddenly realized that he was just a child, how could he solve these problems?

Yu Yingze didn't even dare to vent his anger, because he was afraid that the anger would burn into his head.

When Dad left the room, the three children relaxed their tensed shoulders at the same time.

"Brother, will there be any trouble?" Yu Yingze glanced at the pitch-black screen of the phone, and the uneasiness in his heart continued to magnify.

"Father will take care of it, it's fine, go back and rest." Yu Mingxi patted his younger brother on the head and told him to go back to his room to do his own business.

They are all children, and some things are destined to be powerless.

At this time, Yu Mingxi wished that he could grow up overnight.

In this way, you will be able to protect the family and protect the people you want to protect.

"Brother, Yuanyuan... Did you make a big mistake?" After Yu Yingze returned to the room, Xiao Zai Zai silently grabbed Yu Mingxi's clothes.

"Everything in this world doesn't know whether it's a mistake or a good thing until the last moment," Yu Mingxi's gentle voice comforted Xiao Zai Zai, "Even if Yuan Yuan is troubled, there is nothing she can do about it, so... …Sleep well, eat well, and I believe Dad will handle it.”

"Okay." Nodding his head, Xiao Zai Zai obediently lay down on the bed, watching Yu Mingxi leave the room.

But when she really calmed down, Yu Yuanyuan still couldn't fall asleep, and she was always thinking about many bad things in a mess.

"Ding ding ding, the little cat answers the phone~~ The little cat answers the phone~~~"

The phone watch on Little Claw suddenly rang.

The depressed little Zai Zai looked down, and the outline of that name was Brother Shen Ji!
Xiao Zai Zai answered the phone in a milky voice: "Crooked, is it brother Shen Ji?"

"Yuanyuan, are you asleep?" Shen Ji also just discovered the video that suddenly became popular.

After saving the video on his mobile phone, he learned about the situation on the Internet.

Many people fermented what Yu Jinxiao did before, portrayed him as a villain who used money to oppress people, and frantically created popularity on the Internet.

As one of the parties involved, Shen Ji knew that Yu Jinxiao was wronged.

But he tried replying to a few comments, nothing changed at all.

Among them were the sailors, and some netizens who joined the array after being disturbed by false information frantically swiped the topic and scolded Yu Jinxiao to death.

Unexpectedly, when Shen Ji was writing a homework, suddenly a new hot search rushed to the top #世界第一向萌人宝贝#
When seeing this trending search, Shen Ji twitched the corner of his mouth with disdain.

The cutest in the world?
Can anyone be cuter than Yuanyuan?That is impossible!

But when Shen Ji clicked into the video, he found that... the topic was actually Yu Yuanyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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