The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 509 Pull out, Yuanyuan doesn't want to go

Chapter 509 Pull out, Yuanyuan doesn't want to go

Ever since Yu Yuanyuan came to Yu's house, she never left for more than 24 hours.

Even Yu Yingze, who usually sleeps in on weekends, set the alarm clock and got up to see her off.

Three men of different heights squatted on the ground, helping Yu Yuanyuan study what she should bring.

Yu Yingze: "Yuanyuan, you don't even bring any toys, what if it's boring over there!"

Yu Yuanyuan: "Yeah!"

Xiao Zaizai suddenly realized that he was going to get the toy, but was stopped by Yu Jinxiao with a cold face.

"What toys to bring, go to bed early, and remember to report your safety." Thinking of He Chen's reputation, Yu Jinxiao's eyes turned cold, "Why don't you bring some anti-wolf spray or something? He sprayed, sprayed to death."

The little boy who didn't know what anti-wolf spray was at all looked confused.

"Dad," Yu Mingxi stopped the other two unreliable people, "Yuanyuan is tall enough to wear anti-wolf spray and can't spray the bad guys' eyes, right? Besides, Uncle Xie said that he will take special care of Yuanyuan, won't If there is something to do, why not think about what she needs to use."

Having said that, Yu Mingxi has already got up to help Xiao Zai Zai clean up.

Toothpaste, toothbrush, towels, a change of clothes, band-aids and daily medicine, etc., and even the cooling patches are all packed together.

After Yu Mingxi packed it up, she asked Aunt Chen to check it again.

Looking at the neatly stacked items, Aunt Chen praised Yu Mingxi again and again, saying that he thought very well and basically had nothing to add.

The rest are some toys, and I still need to bring a few, which is up to Xiao Zai Zai to choose.

It was too heavy, so she only brought a little lion and a little rabbit.

The program team's car had already arrived at the entrance of the courtyard, and Xie Xin came to pick it up in person.

Xiao Zai Zai, who had already had breakfast and changed clothes, dragged his suitcase and walked in front, followed by a large group of people, like the knights of a little princess.

"Yuanyuan, eat well, drink well, and take care of yourself. If you encounter any problems, you can call your brother or father, you know?" Yu Mingxi knelt down and told her softly over and over again, "If you feel scared Or if there is danger, immediately find the nearby cameraman uncle, Uncle Xie or the staff, you know?"

Xiao Zai Zai blinked Bulling Bulling's big eyes, and nodded seriously, as if he really remembered Yu Mingxi's words.

Yu Jinxiao originally wanted to give a few words of advice, but his son was too reliable, he said everything he wanted to say, and his father had nowhere to play.

In the end, when Xie Xin was about to leave with Xiao Zai Zai, Yu Jinxiao looked at the back, and suddenly felt empty in his heart, and a sense of anxiety that he had never felt before crawled in his heart.

He hadn't tried to be away from her for so long since bringing the T-neck home.

I don't know if she can't sleep if she is outside alone?Will you be bored?
That little figure dragged the suitcase out, every step seemed to be stepping on Yu Jinxiao's heart, always shrunk hard for no reason.

Just when Xie Xin was helping to put Xiao Zai Zai's suitcase in the trunk, the waiting little body suddenly looked back.

The father, who was always cold and a bit fierce, was looking at her quietly with a kind of reluctance.

Xiao Zai Zai suddenly had a sore nose, and ran back crying.

Seeing Xiao Qiuqiu come back grunting, Yu Jinxiao subconsciously squatted down and hugged her.

"Baba, Yuanyuan doesn't want to go, Yuanyuan doesn't want to get bored~~~" The moaning little boy buried himself on Yu Jinxiao's shoulder and cried.

(End of this chapter)

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