The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 510 Dad Will Be With You

Chapter 510 Dad Will Be With You

When Xie Xin, who had just put his luggage away, heard the shout, his face turned pale with fright.

isn't it? ?

This is about to start filming, everything is ready, if Yu Yuanyuan really doesn't want to go...why find another child to replace it temporarily? ?

Yu Jinxiao didn't speak, but gently stroked the little guy's head with his palm, picked her up and walked to the car.

Realizing that the little guy who was being sent out was crying even harder, Little Claws tugged at Yu Jinxiao's clothes.

"However, everyone in the program team has prepared for you. If you don't go, everyone's hard work during this time will be in vain," Yu Jinxiao didn't force the person into the car, and hugged the little guy beside the car Seriously reasoning, "I'll be back tomorrow afternoon, and are allowed to eat a small cake."

For Yu Jinxiao, who has always restrained his sweet tooth, he made a promise to Xiao Zai Zai for the first time.

But Yu Yuanyuan didn't seem to be very interested in cakes, she lay on Yu Jinxiao's shoulder and hummed: "Yuanyuan doesn't want cakes, Yuanyuan wants to be with Baba."

"It's okay." Yu Jinxiao hugged her and shook her lightly, suddenly there was a flash of light in his eyes, and he lowered his voice to a volume that only their father and daughter could hear, "Daddy will be with you."

"Really?" Xiao Zai Zai stopped crying, happily stood up and looked into his eyes.

Those flickering eyes are very serious, as if carefully distinguishing whether Dad is lying or not.

"But Dad can't set off with you, and he can't let you meet with others casually. After you leave, Dad will set off and quietly appear at the place where you recorded the program." Yu Jinxiao's words sounded like a lie to a child Lie, "If you find out where Dad is hiding on the show before you come back tomorrow, you can have a small cake when you come back."

"Pull the hook." Xiao Zaizai stretched out his fleshy little finger, the tears stopped, and he was even excited and eager to play the game.

Yu Jinxiao knew that this finally stabilized him, he hooked his fingers with Xiao Zai Zai, and put her back on the ground.

Even Da Hua meowed to the door to send Xiao Zai Zai out.

With the agreement with his father, Xiao Zai Zai obediently sat in the children's chair at the back.

Xie Xin didn't come alone, but also his assistant, a woman about [-] years old.

She is also very good at coaxing children, Yu Yuanyuan chatted happily with her as soon as he got in the car, the laughter could be heard outside the car.

In order to make Yu Yuanyuan's state last longer, Yu Jinxiao deliberately and mysteriously made a "shh" gesture to Xiao Zai Zai, implying that she wanted to keep the little secret between them.

Xiao Zai Zai blinked his big happy eyes and covered his mouth, pretending to be obediently keeping a secret.

The car started slowly, and Yu Mingxi who was at the gate was reluctant to chase to the door, and kept waving at the rear of the car until he was so far away that he couldn't see anything.

"Hey, Miss Yuanyuan has just left, and I started to miss her." The servants behind couldn't help but sigh.

Usually on the weekends, there are happy cubs at home, which are always very lively, but now...

There is already a kind of cold air blowing in the face.

Yu Jinxiao didn't speak, turned around and went upstairs.

Others also went back to the house.

When Yu Mingxi passed by his father's bedroom, he seemed to vaguely hear him on the phone.

About an hour later, Gao Zhou came to the villa in a hurry with his things, and left in a hurry, all of which was seen by Yu Mingxi who came out to fetch the water and medicine.

Why do you feel... the atmosphere seems a little dignified? ?

Could something be wrong?
Holding a water glass, Yu Mingxi quietly approached his father's bedroom. Suddenly, with a creak, the door opened, and a stranger he had never seen before rushed out!

(End of this chapter)

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