The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 517 Be Different From Others

Su Zhirui cried pitifully, and hiccupped, the other children were a little scared.

Jin Man, who was originally a partner with Su Zhirui, quickly knelt down to comfort her, but she was neither married nor had a baby, nor had any younger siblings, so she had almost zero experience in interacting with children.

After being in a hurry for a long time, Su Zhirui was still crying loudly, her eyes were swollen.

"Ruirui~~" A small head squeezed in from the crowd, Yu Yuanyuan looked like a cat's head, trying to squeeze his head out of the gap, "Don't cry~~We are going to start playing games~~"

"I want to be with Yuanyuan~~" Saying that, Su Zhirui held Xiao Zai Zai tightly, so sad that she couldn't bear to let go.

Yu Yuanyuan approached mysteriously, and whispered a lot of words in Su Zhirui's ear, and Su Zhirui, who was crying so much, fell silent all at once.

She blinked her teary eyes, and nodded solemnly on her little face.

A group of people around: ? ? ? ?

What happened and why is it suddenly fine?

Jin Man also found it inconceivable, and just wanted to ask Yu Yuanyuan what extraordinary method she had used, and she wanted to learn it too.

As a result, Yu Yuanyuan's little claw suddenly grabbed one of Jin Man's fingers, and the other claw held Su Zhirui: "Ruirui, this sister is so handsome, it must be fun to play games with her."

On weekdays, Yu Yuanyuan was used to seeing her teacher dressed up as a lady, but suddenly she dressed up in a capable and handsome Jin Man, which made her eyes shine.

Jin Man, who was about to learn from Xiao Zai Zai, smiled embarrassedly.

Oops, such a sweet mouth at such a young age!
Su Zhirui stopped crying, and under Yu Yuanyuan's guidance, she looked at Jin Man curiously.

It is indeed a little different from her mother and the aunts and sisters I have seen. Her body... seems to have a special style.

"Sister~~" Su Zhirui's tender voice sounded, "Ruirui is timid, do you hate Ruirui?"

"Of course not." Jin Man, who was so cute, quickly hugged Su Zhirui into her arms, "My sister knows kung fu, and my sister can also protect Ruirui."

"Wow, really?" Su Zhirui's tear-red eyes suddenly brightened.

The other children didn't have any requirements for grouping. This group of adults were strangers to them. They didn't know much about it and had no special preference.

After the grouping was successful, each child stood in front of the adults and stood still obediently.

Among so many children, Yu Yuanyuan and Su Zhirui are the two shortest little round balls.

"It's the first time we've met each other, so we can communicate more, so that we can have a better understanding in the future games." Xie Xin smiled and asked for five envelopes to be handed over, "There are five completely different game tasks here, which determine everyone's today. The content of the game, let... the kids choose, right?"

The other children were still looking at each other, Yu Yuanyuan was the first to run forward, stretched out her claws and picked the one on the far right.

Xie Xin didn't expect Yu Yuanyuan to be the fastest to adapt among the children.

When I saw her for the first time, when I saw that round ball, I thought it was a shy and crying little milk bag.

I didn't expect this small group to be quite reassuring.

"Brother Yummy, this is Yuanyuan Xuan!" Xiao Zai Zai handed the envelope in his hand to He Chen.

She is still a child in kindergarten and does not know how to read at all.

He Chen glanced around him from the corner of the eye, and the others were standing and reading the contents of the envelope, because the children were illiterate, and they didn't intend to read it with the children.

That being the case, if he wants to stand out and be different, he must be different from others!

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