The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 518 The Stupid Little Friend

He Chen tossed the hem of the windbreaker, and slowly squatted down on one leg, pretending to share the envelope with Yu Yuanyuan, and pulled out the contents inside.

"There are 20 different destinations written on the envelope. The children will find passers-by to choose a number from 1-20, and immediately rush to the place corresponding to the number." The number is exactly the location of the guests, so we will find someone to choose again until the passers-by successfully select the final destination address - No. 14, Shuiyun Park."

"All the wallets, mobile phones and other things on the guests will be kept by the staff, and only 100 yuan will be provided as a mission fund."

"Children must come to passers-by to choose numbers, and adult guests cannot interfere, otherwise they will return to the starting point and start again."

One hundred it really enough for him and Yu Yuanyuan?

Moreover, do children have to find passers-by to choose numbers?
Can these kids really express themselves clearly?

He Chen had a bad feeling.

There are many uncertain factors for children, and the funding provided is only 100 yuan. Isn't it clear to set up difficult problems for them?

However, this is what the recording program wanted, so He Chen wouldn't raise objections to make fun of it.

After he finished reading all the rules, he just wanted to interact with Yu Yuanyuan, when he turned his head...huh? ? ?

Why is she under the tree over there? !

When did it pass?

Then he read it for so long just now, did she really hear it?
The camera was still being filmed, and He Chen felt that the handsomeness he posed just now was completely... crushed by the little boy.

Originally, he wanted to create a harmonious atmosphere so that the program crew could pay more attention to them, but now, he is completely like a joke.

If the contents of the radio were removed, he would look like a man squatting on the ground and acting stupid.

He Chen took a deep breath, pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, stepped forward and squatted beside Yu Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan, why are you here? What are you looking at?"

"Brother delicious, look, there are so many little ants!" The ball squatting on the ground happily stretched out its claws towards him, its chubby little fingers pointed to the ground, and a few ants crawled anxiously on it.

Do the current little friends like such unique things?

Actually more interested in ants than him? ? ?

"Yuanyuan, we're going to start playing the game now," He Chen held his breath and gently persuaded, "Brother just read the rules of the game, did you understand?"

"Ah?" Xiao Zai Zai looked confused.

"Ah?" He Chen was dumbfounded on the spot.

She didn't hear a word of feelings just now, and ran away from him when he started to read, and didn't know anything!
Tired, He Chen grabbed Yu Yuanyuan, and this time he learned how to be smart, and ensured that Xiao Zai Zai squatted in his field of vision, and read the rules of the game again.

The other groups have already started to discuss the plan, but he is still worried about Yu Yuanyuan's ability to understand.

"How is it, does Yuanyuan understand how the game is played?" He Chen smiled, the way the corners of his mouth rose and the number of exposed teeth were all practiced by him countless times, which can be called a standard template.

Yu Yuanyuan's expression was dull: "Huh?"

He Chen had a bad feeling: "Huh?"

Everyone officially set off and started to find someone to pick numbers by the side of the road.

Leftover Yu Yuanyuan and He Chen squatted on the spot, a few fallen leaves were blown by the wind from the tree above their heads, swirling and falling down desolately, as if there was the sound of crows flying by.

Before the game started, He Chen was already tired.

How did he end up with such a silly little friend as Yu Yuanyuan? !

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