The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 522 If you don't eat, you will starve to death!

There weren't too many people in the shop, so He Chen led Yu Yuanyuan to the ordering counter, and asked softly, "Yuanyuan, what do you want to eat?"

He still holds that precious one hundred yuan in his hand, their only and all expenses today.

For the hard-working character design, He Chen has decided to make Xiao Zai Zai happy no matter what.

"Yuanyuan can't see~~" The ordering table was immediately submerged, and Yu Yuanyuan couldn't see the promotional board on the high place with her head up.

He Chen hesitated for a moment, then hugged her: "What about now?"

"I see~~~"

The big eyes began to turn, looking left and right, as if they were thinking about what to eat.

Yu Yuanyuan was looking at it, and He Chen was also looking at it. He immediately fell in love with the children's set meal next to him, which included free toys, and the price was 57, which was okay, at least a little travel expenses were left.

"Yuanyuan, the children's meal..."

"Yuanyuan wants a spicy one, a spicy one, a hot one, a hot one, a hot one!" Yu Yuanyuan could only use her fingers without being able to name her.

But these things immediately made He Chen's head sweat.

One hamburger, one mashed potato, one glass of juice, two egg tarts, and two pineapple pies.

Add up these bits and pieces, oh well, 88 yuan is gone!
He Chen was immediately swept away by a strong sense of crisis.

He thought that the money might not be enough, but he never expected that Yu Yuanyuan would eat so much!

Children with big eyes and small stomachs may not be able to finish eating at that time.

If they spend money and haven't finished eating, then their group will be completely passive.

Human design or something... It's time to give in to poor funding.

"Yuanyuan, why don't we eat a hamburger first, and if we're not full enough, can we have some more?" He Chen shook the disappointed little boy, "If we can't finish it, we'll be wasting food, so it's not good That’s great, we’re sitting here anyway, if we don’t have enough, we’ll buy it again, okay?”

"Okay." Xiao Zai Zai, who can read the air, heard Brother Hao Hao's helplessness, and temporarily agreed.

She obediently went to the side to find a seat, climbed up with difficulty to sit down, and waited for food in an orderly manner.

He Chen, who had taken the meal, turned his head and saw the little milk bun sitting alone in the distance, feeling guilty in his heart.

If it weren't for the program group's limited funds, he wouldn't have deducted a child, wouldn't it be hamburgers, egg tarts, or juice? ? ?
When there is a chance in the future, buy, buy, buy, and he will give you money!

He Chen took the hamburger and sat across from Yu Yuanyuan, and thoughtfully helped her open the outer package.

The gentle gaze went back and forth between Yu Yuanyuan and the hamburger, and he asked a little uncertainly: "Yuanyuan, if you can't take a bite, eat layer by layer."

"Okay," Xiao Zai Zai nodded, picked up the first layer of bread, and gnawed obediently, "Wow, it's delicious~~"

very good!
This is the program effect he wants!

The child's satisfaction, the more it can highlight his gentle and considerate personality!
"Brother Delicious, why don't you eat duck?" He groaned and groaned, but he didn't forget to care about He Chen, and Yu Yuanyuan moved him a little bit.

"I... I don't eat it, it's all round."

He Chen hadn't touched these high-calorie foods for many years, and he couldn't even recall their taste.

Every day there is only protein food boiled in white water, with rich vegetables and some whole grains, and even high-sugar fruits will not be touched.

For his own career, He Chen was very hard on himself.

But he was not unwavering.

Occasionally, I also want to try something that looks delicious, drink a sip of milk tea, or eat a little dessert.

But there are always only reminders in my ears.

He reminded himself and others reminded him that high calories, sugar, high carbohydrates, high oil and high salt are all untouchable.

No one cared what he ate, only people cared if he ate something wrong.

"But, if you don't eat, you will starve to death!" Xiao Zai Zai cried out in shock, as if hearing some terrible answer.

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