The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 523 A Dangerous Proposal

"It's okay, it's okay." Suddenly, someone was concerned about whether he would eat or not. He Chen felt a little sore on the tip of his nose, even for a three-year-old kid. "Brother is not hungry, and he doesn't want to eat yet."

Xiao Zaizai lowered his eyes and wrapped the wrapping paper clumsily with his paws: "Then save the burger and eat it when brother is hungry."

This thoughtful little gesture made He Chen's eyes flush for a second, and he was so moved that he almost shed tears.

He pressed the round little paw in front of him, and his voice was a little choked up: "Well, brother only eats a little, and the rest are round."

Looking at the hamburger with a piece of bread missing, the bottom layer happens to be vegetables, and the bottom layer is chicken chops.

He Chen struggled painfully, and decided to only eat that piece of vegetable, so as to minimize his guilt.

But Xiao Zai Zai squeezed it twice with his claws, and arranged all the things inside one by one, as if he had done some terrible decomposition.

"Yuanyuan eats a piece of bread, this piece of bread is delicious brother~" Xiaozui chattered, as if intoxicated in his own world, "This piece of meat has to be cut in half, and this piece of vegetables has to be shared Eat brother~~"

"No, no, I only eat vegetable leaves!" He Chen quickly stopped Xiao Zai Zai's dangerous proposal.

Eating chicken chops?eat bread?impossible! ! ! !

He will be shooting the cover of a magazine next week. Before that, his diet must be strictly restricted. How can he eat such high-calorie food!

"Ah?" Yu Yuanyuan's eyes widened as if he had been shocked by something, and he emphasized again, "If you eat too little spicy food, you will starve to death!"

He Chen really wanted to know, what kind of family did this little guy grow up in, how could he starve to death without talking, and would the family not let her have enough to eat?

"It's okay, brother is an adult now, and you won't starve to death if you eat less." He Chen pretended to enjoy himself, wiped the vegetable leaf stained with sauce with a paper towel, and slowly brought it to his mouth. inside.

Even after wiping off the sauce, the residual smell rushed straight to He Chen's forehead in an instant.

Even if it's just a vegetable leaf in a burger, its taste is still so delicious that it can make people go to heaven!

Yu Yuanyuan originally thought that He Chen was just being polite, but he didn't expect that he really only ate the vegetable leaves and started wiping his mouth, and handed her everything to eat up.

When everything on the plate was gone, He Chen smiled: "Is Yuanyuan full~~"

"Ah..." Xiao Zai Zai rubbed his stomach and suddenly became quiet.

He Chen's heart skipped a beat, isn't he full? ?Is the appetite of a three-year-old child so terrible?
"Buy another juice?" He Chen suddenly realized that the bread was a bit dry, and he really needed to drink it.

Without waiting for Xiao Zai Zai to express his opinion, he hurriedly used the remaining money to buy a glass of juice, and gave all of it to Yu Yuanyuan.

He Chen never touched this kind of drink with added sugar.

While Xiao Zai Zai was drinking, he extended an invitation, He Chen desperately motioned for her to drink, but he didn't even taste a sip.

When the drink bottomed out, He Chen smiled and asked, "Are you full? Yuanyuan?"

"Ah..." The familiar regret sighed again, the little paws touched the stomach, and Yu Yuanyuan's voice was weak, "Yuanyuan still wants to eat mashed potatoes and pineapple pie."

He Chen: "!!!!"

After a brief shock, He Chen's temples began to hurt.

Yu Yuanyuan made it clear that he was not full. If he didn't buy it, he might be scolded to death by netizens taking it out of context during the broadcast.

But...wouldn't eating so much really hurt your stomach? ? ?

He Chen had never been so entangled like now, the two chose to fight in their hearts, and soon a thin layer of sweat covered their foreheads.

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