"Brother delicious?" Xiao Zaizai tilted his head and looked over, as if wondering why he suddenly fell silent.

The sunglasses, which had been removed for a long time, had already been put back on the bridge of his nose. He Chen used the cover of the sunglasses to turn his eyes back and forth, struggling between the two choices.

"If money is not enough..."

"It's okay, that's enough, I'll go buy it right away!" He Chen stood up with a huff, and walked towards the ordering counter stiffly.

The kid has already talked about it to this point, how could he have the nerve to say no?

He Chen felt that stretching out his head was a slash, and shrinking his head was a slash, so it would be better to stick to one person's plan to the end.

Not long after, he returned with mashed potatoes and pineapple pie.

Xiao Zai Zai also asked him if he wanted to eat, but just as He Chen shook his head, one of the pineapple pies was killed in that little mouth.

Kaba Kaba, the mashed potatoes and pineapple pie I bought all went into Yu Yuanyuan's belly.

This time, He Chen learned to be smart, he wouldn't ask Yu Yuanyuan if he was full.

She's a monster if she doesn't have enough to eat! !

"Hey, I really want to eat egg tarts~~" Rubbing her belly, Yu Yuanyuan let out another exclamation that made He Chen frightened.

"Yuanyuan, if you eat too much, you will spoil your stomach, save it for the night, be good."

Hehe, he, He Chen, has never failed to coax a girl.

"That's good, let's talk about it, Lagougou." The round little hand was raised up, and the little finger like a little tugger slowly approached He Chen.

Some kind of terrible bondage that was almost like a curse made He Chen's heart beat wildly, and a false and perfunctory smile opened on the corner of his mouth: "Lagougou."

It's over, it's all ticked off, why don't I buy her two egg tarts tonight?

If there is no one nearby where he lives, wouldn't he be charged with deceiving children?
He Chen made up his own brain, and has already entered the stage of anxiety ahead of time.

After lunch, I learned from the filming staff that no one from the other groups has successfully reached the destination Shuiyun Park.

Some people have even been digitally pointed to a place farther away, more than [-] kilometers away from here.

The meal is full, it's time to continue the game mission!

The sun is very big today, shining brightly overhead.

He Chen asked a passerby to find out about the situation, and there were only two ways to go to the previously selected destination No. 10 by taking a bus or taking a taxi.

It's not very convenient to take the bus. You have to transfer 3 times at seven bends and eight turns. It's faster to take a taxi.

Get on and off the car, and the 20 yuan is gone.

He Chen looked at the remaining 10 yuan and fell into deep thought.

This is the first stop, and they only have 10 yuan left? ? ?
The little Zai Zai, who was full of food and drink, walked to the side of the road and found an old-looking uncle with dedication.

"Xiao Pengyou, Niyou Shenmu (kid, what's your business)?"

The local accent made Yu Yuanyuan dumbfounded.

"Susu, we are filming a show, can you choose a number?"

"Oh, Kuo Huh (it's ok)," the uncle squatted down with a smile, "Choose an 8, Fafafa."

Surrounded by poverty, He Chen's expression turned ugly, and he spread out the contents of the envelope in his hand——

Fortunately, location 8 is nearby, just walk there, it only takes 20 minutes.

After one o'clock in the afternoon, the scorching sun radiated strong light above his head, and He Chen felt dizzy, his mind seemed to be tied up by something, and he couldn't help worrying about what to do with the only 10 yuan they had left.

I don't know if it's an illusion or something is really wrong.

After walking for about ten minutes, He Chen felt dizzy and his eyes suddenly went dark.

The little cub, who was holding He Chen up and down, raised his head, and a big black shadow fell down, burying her underneath.

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