The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 525 What Did He Drink Just Now? !

Yu Yuanyuan's small ball was suddenly pressed by a heavy force, and she almost vomited out her lunch.

Moaning and struggling for a while, the heavy things on his body were lifted aside by the staff.

The frightened little cub shivered and looked towards the other side with wide and frightened eyes...

Huh? ?It's delicious bro!

Why did he close his eyes, limp, like a toy being dragged away.

Brother Haoyi, who was talking and eating with her just now, suddenly closed his eyes and turned into a puppet, with his head hanging on the left side, and he didn't respond to how much he shouted.

Yu Yuanyuan's little heart suddenly twitched, delicious, brother looks like he's been washed off!

Woohoo, she said a long time ago that if you don't eat, you will be hungry and wash it off! ! !
"Quick, everyone, leave some room to breathe."

"Pinch people."

"I have cooling oil here."

The terrified little cub ran forward, squatted round and round beside He Chen's head, and patted He Chen's forehead with his paws: "Brother delicious, don't wash it, don't wash it, you have to bully me! .”

Afraid of scaring the children, the staff wanted to take Yuanyuan aside, but Yu Yuanyuan grabbed He Chen's collar and wanted to stay by his side desperately.

After He Chen's eyes went dark, he didn't know how long he was in a coma.

I just felt as if I lost consciousness for a moment, and there was no sound at all, but gradually there was a cry of milk.

So familiar... who is it... oh... it's Yu Yuanyuan.

He was saying in that inarticulate crying voice, "It's delicious, brother, don't wash it."

Wait, he's dying? ? ?
He Chen was so frightened that he opened his eyes suddenly, and a dozen heads came into view, all looking at him nervously.

"I woke up, finally woke up," the staff let out a sigh of relief, "He Chen, do you still feel uncomfortable?"

"I..." Just as he was about to say that he was fine, He Chen felt his arms go limp, as if he had no strength.

"Brother delicious, hurry up and drink a little." The cute little milk voice was close to the ear, and there seemed to be something at the corner of the mouth.

He Chen took a breath in a daze, wow——

So sweet and delicious, this is the taste of milk tea!

Is this a dream?Why are the tastes in dreams so real?
He hadn't had milk tea for many years, but the taste seared in his memory would never be forgotten.

The more you can't get it, the more commotion in memory forever.

Since it's a dream, let's drink a few more sips.



Ah... so satisfying.

He Chen tried to move his arms, and finally he regained his strength, and his chaotic thoughts just now gradually became clear.

The return of consciousness made He Chen gradually realize that something was wrong.

This is not a dream, he... what did he drink just now? ! !
The intense fear spurred He Chen to jump up on the spot, squatting on the ground like a toad and looking around.

I saw Yu Yuanyuan squatting where his head was just now, holding a cup of "a little bit" milk tea in his hand.

It's not a dream, he really drank a cup of milk tea! ! !
He thought he drank a little bit of milk tea, but actually drank a little bit of milk tea! !

He Chen's knees softened, and he knelt on the ground again, his upper limbs supporting the ground powerlessly and in despair.

"Brother Haoyi is alive!!" Xiao Zaizai happily raised his claws and cheered, "Brother Haoyi, what else do you want to eat?"

"No, I won't eat anything today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow." He Chen's face was so heavy that he seemed to have lost tens of millions.

"He Chen, you fainted from hypoglycemia just now, if you don't eat, how can your body bear it?" The staff were also afraid that something might happen to him.

"I fainted?" He Chen barely recalled what happened just now.

He seems to have... lost a small piece of memory.

After a short silence, he nervously raised his hands and touched his face: "Is my face okay? Didn't you fall down?"

"You're fine, you fell on Yuanyuan when you fainted, and Yuanyuan hugged your face."

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