The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 527 Order a Big Table of Meow

"Is Yuanyuan tired?" He Chen turned to help rub her little paws.

Yu Yuanyuan was still holding the empty milk tea cup, and smiled foolishly: "No."

"Then let's keep going?" As if he had made up his mind, He Chen took off his coat and tied it roughly around his waist, "Does Yuanyuan want to ride a big horse?"

"Huh? What is horse riding?"

With a confused look on Yu Yuanyuan's face, He Chen picked her up and held her around her neck.

This frightening height made her hug He Chen's head tightly, and the milk tea cup in her hand hit the top of his head with a "bang".

The staff faintly wanted to laugh, but they were afraid of irritating He Chen's poor heart.

"Yuanyuan, the milk tea is all gone, shall we throw the cup into the trash can?" He Chen carried her to the trash can and stretched out his hand.

Xiao Zai Zai's lips trembled, and he reluctantly put the milk tea in front of his nose and took a deep breath. The little baby's voice was full of grief: "Bye bye~~"

He Chen thought it was because the kids had a lot of drama, they always had a lot of love and affection, and they would say "goodbye" to a cup of milk tea.

In the end, the staff at the side told him that not only Yu Yuanyuan bought the cup of milk tea just now, but she handed it to him without even taking a sip, crying for fear that he would die.

In the end, He Chen drank the whole cup in a daze.

Xiao Zai Zai hadn't even tasted it.

It turned out to be so!

He Chen's heart was stabbed severely, and he was suddenly uncomfortable and moved. He swore in his heart that when he got the wallet, he would definitely treat Yuanyuan to eat and drink. He would buy whatever she wanted, something special. There is a big table, just set it up and watch it if you can't finish eating!
Sitting on He Chen's shoulder, Xiao Zai Zai's sight suddenly became very high and wide, and he could see the tops of everyone's heads.

She has always been able to only see people's feet, but the current height gives her a sense of novelty and pride.

Wow, she can also see the little cats on top of other people's heads!
He Chen is 183cm tall, so he stands out from the crowd, but Yu Yuanyuan sits on his shoulders, and his vision is unobstructed.

At first, she was a little afraid of this height, but gradually, she found that she could see many scenes that she had never seen before.

"Googoogoo..." Finally reached the destination of No. 10, the moment he stood still, Xiao Zaizai heard He Chen's stomach screaming with hunger.

The sensitive little ears moved, and the little head was buried from the right side: "Brother delicious, are you hungry?"

"No, it's okay, let's keep looking for someone..." He Chen really wanted to deal with it, but Xiao Zaizai was very serious, patting his head from left to right with his paws.

"You can't be hungry, if you don't eat, you will be hungry and wash it off," the chubby little paw gestured nervously, "Brother delicious, Yuanyuan will buy you some food, Yuanyuan still has money."

"No need..." He Chen subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he obviously felt that the little guy on his shoulder became depressed all of a sudden, as if he was worried that he would die.

This is too much like... his cat!
When he took a bath, his kittens would squat nervously outside the bathroom, looking at him with their heads tilted, as if they were worried that he would drown.

If he slept on the bed for too long, the kitten would also jump on the bed and sniff around his breath, as if to test whether he was still alive.

At this time, Yu Yuanyuan reminded him of his own cat, Xiaobei.

"Yuanyuan, there are many things that my brother can't eat." He Chen carried her down and sat with her under the shade of a tree to rest.

"Ah? So delicious brother can eat Shenmu~?"

" can only eat boiled chicken, beef, and vegetables, or steamed sweet potatoes." He didn't expect Xiao Zai Zai to understand his body management.

But for He Chen to suddenly change the habit that has been persisted for many years, it is as uncomfortable as digging a bone.

It's not convenient to buy these things in ordinary stores, He Chen planned from the very beginning to go with the flow, even if he didn't eat it.

"Yuanyuan has a solution!" Yu Zaizai excitedly clenched his fists and ran towards the roadside shop waddling.

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