The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 528 We...we have no money

He Chen didn't expect that small body to run quite fast, and he got into a... restaurant by the side of the road in no time.

He Chen, who was about to follow in to have a look, was suddenly recognized by fans on the side of the road, who blocked his way.

Out of the corner of the eye, the staff had already entered the shop with a hidden camera to follow the cubs. He Chen's idol burden made him unable to refuse the fans' proposal to take pictures, and he followed their requests with a smile.

Fortunately, his current state is not in a mess.

After taking the photo here, the little boy on the other side has already come out, holding a big porcelain bowl in his hand.

The bowl is full of boiled chicken, vegetables, and a piece of hot sweet potato is placed on top.

Yu Yuanyuan's claws were too small, and she couldn't hold the chopsticks when she could hold the bowl. She cleverly put the chopsticks in the hat behind the coat.

Every time she took a step, the chopsticks bounced back and hit her on the head, causing Xiao Zai Zai to blink her eyes.

The smell of food from far to near aroused He Chen's appetite, making his stomach growl even louder.

He watched Yu Yuanyuan approaching in disbelief, she was like a little angel who came down from the sky to save him!
"Yuanyuan, did you get it???" He Chen couldn't believe it, pulled the chopsticks out of her hat, and flipped through the things in the bowl, all of them met his requirements.

Boiled in water, no oil, water and sauce, just a little salt.

"That auntie is super nice~~~" Saying that, Xiao Zaizai stretched out his hand and pointed at the shop, "It's auntie who gave Yuanyuan~~"

The chicken was freshly cooked in the store, and it was not ready to be served cold, which was exactly what He Chen wanted.

The sweet potato was also the one that the proprietress planned to steam for herself, so she also shared a piece with Yu Yuanyuan.

Boiled vegetables are temporarily blanched, and they come out of the pan in two or three strokes, which is very simple.

He Chen was squatting at the door with a bowl in his hand. He forgot to pose, squatting so casually that...

The boss at the door came out deliberately, and invited them in with a distressed expression: "Oh, children, come in and eat, let's dry outside."

Those who didn't know thought he was a beggar, and the ripped trousers and ripped jacket made He Chen's appearance squatting there even more pitiful.

"Quick, quick, come in."

After realizing that the wind direction was wrong, the film crew chose to shoot in secret.

This effect is more realistic and natural.

Seeing that He Chen refused to go in, the boss got up and grabbed his arm, and dragged him into the shop with the bowl.

After being forced to sit down, He Chen was so guilty that his teeth chattered: "Old...boss, we...we have no money."

Although there is still 10 yuan left, that 10 yuan may be used later on the road, so he has to keep the pressure bag anyway.

"What do you say that money is not money, I invite you to eat, it's a small thing." The boss waved his hand proudly, signaling him not to care, "Hurry up and eat, it will be cold later."

"Thank you Susu, thank you aunt~~~" Xiao Zaizai sat on the stool, shaking his feet and thanking the shop owner politely.

The sound of milk whistling made the proprietress laugh non-stop, she got up and brought another bowl and placed it in front of Yu Yuanyuan.

There is also a big chicken leg inside! ! !

"Come on, kid, Auntie treats you to chicken legs."

Xiao Zai Zai's eyes lit up, holding the bowl, he was so excited: "Thank you, auntie~~~"

No, wait, you just finished a hamburger, a glass of juice, two pineapple pies and a mashed potato...

Will eating another chicken leg really hurt my stomach? ?
"Yuanyuan, you just had lunch, wouldn't it be too much to eat another chicken drumstick?" He Chen ate some, and his head became clear and calm.

He will not strictly forbid the cubs to eat, but use the method of discussion to make people feel that he is still a hot and gentle big brother next door.

"Ah," Xiao Zai Zai looked at him with pitiful eyes, "Then... is it okay to eat half of Yuan Yuan?"

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