The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 535 Lottery Room

While the little one was concentrating on nibbling on the cake, He Chen clicked one, then two, and quietly moved around pretending to be indifferent, secretly changing angles to take pictures.

After taking several photos, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a gust of cool wind gushed in, scaring He Chen almost to the ground.

"The others are coming soon. Let's get ready. We'll be filming the part of choosing a place to live later." After the staff reminded them, they hurried out again.

As soon as He Chen thought about where he would live at night, his keen awareness of variety shows awakened.

Before Xiao Zai Zai finished eating the cake, He Chen knelt down and patted that little shoulder: "Yuan Yuan, we will choose where we live later, whether we live in a big house or a pigsty, it's all up to you , you must choose the best house!"

"Pigsty?" Yu Yuanyuan was stunned, and asked curiously, "Is the pigsty a magic horse?"

They didn't get along for a long time, but they accurately grasped the little cat's brain circuit. He Chen knew that once she got curious, things would be dangerous, so he immediately stopped the little cat's unnecessary curiosity.

"The pigsty is a very scary place, there are cakes everywhere, it's black and smelly, and there are many horrible bugs biting you at night!" He Chen Wan frightened the little cub with a gloomy tone as if telling a ghost story.

The timid little guy was startled, and held the cake nervously: "Yuanyuan will definitely choose a good house!"

"Very good, let's work hard together." As if discussing with his peers, He Chen shook hands with the steamed bun and reached an agreement.

After waiting for another two hours, Jin Man arrived, and the sky was already getting dark, and it was dusk.

She took Su Zhirui by the hand, exhausted herself, calculated carefully, took a taxi, rubbed a car, and took a bus, and finally arrived at her destination before dark.

As a result, as soon as Xie Xin and Xie Xin finished checking in, they went to the temporary lounge next to them...

He Chen and Xiao Zai Zai actually sat on the sofa and slept! ! !
The two-seater sofa was exclusively occupied by the two of them, and He Chen sat upright, sleeping peacefully with his head tilted.

It was the little cub lying on his lap, sleeping on his back, with He Chen's coat still covering his body, with a little bit of saliva hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Yuanyuan!" Su Zhirui successfully reached the finish line, and shouted excitedly as soon as she entered the door, scaring Yu Yuanyuan into a fright.

She shook, and He Chen was also woken up.

"You guys... are here." He Chen and Jin Man were not familiar with each other, so they greeted each other officially with a smile.

When Jin Man thought of what he had experienced today, he felt exhausted: "How long have you been here?"

"About three hours or so."

Jin Man: "???"

In other words, they arrived at their destination around three o'clock in the afternoon? ? ?
But obviously I heard that He Chen and Yu Yuanyuan's group were also flying around, and many things happened, and He Chen fainted without knowing the situation halfway...

How are they still so fast?

"I heard you fainted?" Jin Man grabbed the mineral water and drank it all in one gulp.

He Chen's complexion changed, and he smiled awkwardly: "Yes."

"Heatstroke? No way, it's impossible to suffer from heatstroke in this weather."

"Nothing, probably a sudden dizziness."

Seeing that he didn't want to say anything, Jin Man didn't ask any more, and He Chen also gave up the sofa to the two children.

There were only two children chattering in the room, He Chen and Jin Man were sitting in a corner, and the atmosphere around them became weird.

Fortunately, an hour later, a bus picked up the other three teams that failed the mission.

Xie Xin was afraid that he would continue to play the game indefinitely, and it would not be over until the next morning.

Finally, according to their straight-line distance from the destination, 3, 4, and 5 were ranked.

Before it was completely dark, Xie Xin asked people to set up the lights, and started filming one of the highlights of tonight—the lottery room.

The staff pushed out a board with several kinds of cartoon animals drawn on it, including pigs, hamsters, geese, elephants, and birds.

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