The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 536 You Only Know and Eat Related Things

Each animal corresponds to a room type, but is unknown until selected.

It's just that the first place has the right to visit other people's houses after choosing a house they don't like, and then blindly draw one of the other 4 houses for exchange.

In addition, there are special rewards, which will not be revealed until the residence.

He Chen pulled Yu Yuanyuan over, and whispered: "Yuanyuan, choose a bird, don't choose a pig, I suspect they really want to give us a house like a pigsty."

Little Zaizai blinked his wise eyes, and nodded vigorously, giving He Chen a very reliable illusion.

Sure enough, in the end, Xie Xin asked the children to go up and choose according to the completed ranking.

The first one to choose was Yu Yuanyuan. She stood in front of the pile of animal cards and looked at them for a long time, then stretched out her hand and pointed: "I'll choose one!"

He Chen with a smile on his face took a closer look and almost spat out a mouthful of blood: "Can't choose! Yuanyuan! That's a pig!!!"

"Ah?" Xiao Zai Zai turned around suspiciously, "But this is Pechey."

"Isn't Peppa a pig!!"

Yu Yuanyuan held her face in horror: "Really?~~?"

As a little boy who has only seen a little bit of Peppa, he thought it was a group of pink villains, and he didn't suspect the "pig" at all.

"Director Xie, can I change it?" He Chen looked at Xie Xin beggingly with pitiful and shocked eyes.

"Yuanyuan has already made a choice, and she can't change it. The next Ruirui will choose."


He Chen felt that his head had exploded, and all kinds of terrifying thoughts were pouring out continuously.

Just standing there, there was a palpable sense of despair in his big eyes.

Even Yu Yuanyuan tugged at his trouser legs, but there was no reaction at all.

Xie Xin wanted to laugh, but it wasn't suitable for laughing at this time, he was just a little surprised.

In the beginning, He Chen was asked to join because of the face of his family's first and second generation of stars, and he was the third generation of stars, and wanted to give him a chance to become popular again.

But Xie Xin, who had learned about He Chen's information, didn't have much hope at first.

He Chen was in good condition, whether it was his figure, stature, or singing voice, he could have developed a lot in the first place, but he was always very unlucky, as if he didn't have an audience.

Every time there is greater attention and exposure, scandals will break out and word of mouth will plummet.

In addition, after he fell to the trough several times, he rushed to operate with too much force, so that people not only did not think he was handsome, but felt that he was greasy.

But the current He Chen...Xie Xin actually saw some potential in him as a variety show star.

"Brother Yuyi, do you really want to live in a pigsty if you choose Page?" Yu Yuanyuan wrinkled her face when she thought of He Chen's description before, she was so scared that she clenched her claws tightly, "Yuanyuan doesn't want to sleep stinky Yuanyuan doesn't want to be bitten by bugs."

"Then you still choose pigs?" He Chen wanted to cry but had no tears.

Yu Yuanyuan lowered her head and played with her claws: "Yuanyuan didn't know that Page was a resident."

"You watch fewer cartoons than I do?" He Chen, who was so shocked that he was about to die, helplessly raised his forehead, "Everyone who watches cartoons knows that Peppa is a pig, right?"

"However, Yuanyuan only knew the name of a piece of chocolate when she saw Peppa on it."

He Chen: "You only know and eat things related to feelings!!"

After the children finished choosing according to their rankings, Xie Xin mysteriously took out five keys and five maps: "Now, everyone, let's go find the place where we will live tonight."

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