Chapter 55
Probably because of being stared at by the death gaze that was too resentful, Yu Yuanyuan woke up from the dream crying.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a dark figure standing beside the bed.

"Wuah—" She was so frightened that she was about to cry when her mouth was covered by a ruthless iron hand.

"it's me."

"Baba!!" Seeing the intact Baba standing here after the nightmare, Yu Yuanyuan flew from the bed into his arms, "You are not dead!!"

The corners of Yu Jinxiao's mouth trembled: "Why should I die?"

"Yuanyuan had a dream just now, dreaming that you died, in the dream...&*%@#¥?"

Oops, my mouth is stuck again.

Sure enough, I can't talk about the situation in the dream.

It is a fairy method, it must be a fairy method!

This dream is definitely not an ordinary dream, there must be a reason.

"Father, you can't be a bad person, and you can't do bad things either." Yu Yuanyuan warned seriously with a stern face.

To Yu Jinxiao, Xiao Zai Zai is always a Xiao Zai Zai, and his words are messed up, so he doesn't feel at ease at all.

"You don't need to worry about my affairs, go to bed early," the little milk bag standing on the bed was ruthlessly laid back into the quilt, "Don't think about messy things before going to bed, so you won't have weird dreams."

"Then I...then I miss my father...alive, [-] million years old."

Fortunately, it is always a good word, it is not a thimble, at most it is a thick jacket that is a little hot.

"Yeah, I'm trying my best to live to be [-] million years old."

Lifting the quilt to cover her up, Yu Jinxiao didn't know how this little boy who didn't know one, two, three, four knew the measurement of [-] million.

Children are children, and they always have a lot of weird ideas.

"Baba, wait a minute!" Zaizai rolled out from under the quilt, stretching out his arms to hint him to go over.

Yu Jinxiao thought it was something unimportant, so he sat patiently on the small bench next to the bed: "What's the matter?"

"Yuanyuan will give you a smooth hair!"

Yu Jinxiao: "?"

As a human being, he had never heard this word in the human world.

I have seen a lot of animal world.

He glanced at the unpacked animal identification card next to him, and suspected that Xiao Zai Zai had been misled again.

"No, human beings don't need to follow their hair." Yu Jinxiao refused mercilessly.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was strongly shocked, looked at him in disappointment, the sky and the earth were shattered in those pitch-black pupils, as if she was about to cry in the next second.

Sometimes children imitate new things they learn.

Yu Jinxiao thinks this is quite normal, just like Yu Yingze always said that he was a superman when he was a child.

Later, when he was a little older, from four to eight years old, the ruthlessness of the years made him realize that he could not fly, nor could he lift a building...

There is no such thing as superman.

It's just that if adults ruthlessly extinguish their fantasies at that time, I'm afraid it will leave a psychological shadow on the children.

Thinking that Yu Yuanyuan grew up in the orphanage until the age of three, Yu Jinxiao's ice-like heart was slightly shaken.

"How are you going?"

Well, playing with your daughter is what a father should do.

"Dad, just sit here, and then turn around," Yu Yuanyuan squatted on the bed and ordered, "Sit down and don't move around."

Yu Jinxiao was tall and tall, sitting on the children's bench felt uncomfortable as if being rolled up.

But at this point in the compromise, he couldn't say it was over, and it was pitiful for Xiao Zai Zai to look sad.

Opposite him, there is a low cabinet, on the decorative metal, you can observe Yu Yuanyuan's every move.

I saw that little cub grabbing a lock of his hair, trying to develop his small mouth towards the letter O, and slowly approaching his head...

Yu Jinxiao's sense of crisis instantly sounded the alarm!
The cold was pulled from the top of the head to the neck, and it felt like someone was about to bite off his head.

(End of this chapter)

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