The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 56 The White Bubble of 1 Mouth

Chapter 56

The little head is getting closer and closer, and the mouth is still trying to open.

Yu Jinxiao was terrified, and quickly stood up, his hair hurt a little from being pulled by Xiao Zai Zai.

"Baba, everyone told me not to move around!" Yu Yuanyuan protested unhappily.

"It's not going well," Yu Jinxiao felt the threat to his life for the first time, and denied it without hesitation, "Go to sleep, I'm going to sleep too."

Not giving Xiao Naibao a chance to protest coquettishly, Yu Jinxiao quickly closed the door and out of Yu Yuanyuan's sight.

The little cub on the bed scratched his sleepy hair with a confused look on his face.

When I was in Wonderland before, Ma Ma and Ba Ba would smooth her hair.

The snow-white fur is neat and tidy, so white that it reflects light, it is the brightest cub no matter where it goes!
Yu Yuanyuan thought that if she also smoothed her father's hair, her father would be happier.

But Dad looked like he was running away just now.

It is too difficult to understand these complicated things with limited brain capacity, so Yu Yuanyuan fell back on the pillow, found a comfortable position and curled up into a ball.

Dudu's body bulged into a ball under the quilt.

This sleep was extraordinarily sweet, and she never dreamed of annoying things again, Yu Yuanyuan slept soundly.

In the morning, in a daze, she sniffed, smelled a sweet fragrance, and sat up instantly like a dead body.

The dense eyelashes fluttered slightly, and it took a while to resist the drowsiness and open the eyes.

"It smells so good!" The little guy who just woke up shook and got up, opened the door and sniffed, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Wow, it's the smell of toast that she loves.

And it’s just out of the oven!

Xiaozui previewed the movement of gnawing bread, and the drowsiness was overwhelmed by the glutton, and Xiao Zai Zai ran into the bathroom with a grunt.

The height of the washbasin is designed according to the normal proportion, and it was also considered that the children will grow up.

It's just that this height is as difficult as climbing a mountain for Yu Yuanyuan.

Xiao Zaizai suddenly thought of the children's bench next to the bed, hummed and moved it to the bathroom, stepped on it and could barely reach the faucet switch.

Carefully recall the steps of the teacher in the orphanage and the operation of my brother taking her to wash up last night.

First take the basin to catch the water, then use the small pink cup to catch the water, and then squeeze the white paste on the stick (toothbrush).

"Yuanyuan, are you up yet?" There was a knock on the door, and it was Yu Mingxi.

Today is the weekend, neither he nor Yu Yingze need to go to school.

Knocked once and no one answered, Yu Mingxi knocked twice, the room was still very quiet, and there was no response.

Opening the door a little bit, Yu Mingxi raised his voice towards the inside: "Yuanyuan, brother is coming in!"

Children should establish the idea that men and women are different from an early age. Yu Mingxi knows this very well, mother said so before.

It's just that Yuanyuan is too young, and many children of this age still sleep with their parents.

He was worried that something was wrong.

"Brother...Brother!" A crying voice floated out from the room.

Yu Mingxi couldn't wait any longer, so he pushed the door open, and saw that the bathroom next to him was lit and the door was also open.

"Yuanyuan, are you in the bathroom?"

"Here, here."

A pitiful voice floated out resentfully.

The bathroom is prone to water. Could it be that I accidentally fell while going to the toilet?

Yu Mingxi frightened himself half to death.

But when he walked into the bathroom, what he saw was not that tragic scene.

There was connected face wash water in the washbasin, Yu Yuanyuan was holding a toothbrush and standing by the toilet, gulping white bubbles.

Well, the hands are also full of white bubbles.

(End of this chapter)

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