The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 570 Yu Yuanyuan's Fan

Although the childish words were innocent, Yu Yuanyuan's words still made the boss frown, doubting: "Could it be that you want to eat the overlord's meal?"

After they entered the store, they were all filmed through hidden cameras pinned to the chests of the guests.

There will also be staff who disguise the device on their belongings, pretending to be guests who come to the store to eat.

But ordinary people in the store will not realize that they are actually filming the show.

The boss looked fierce, as if he took Yu Yuanyuan's words seriously.

He Chen quickly took out a handful of cash, and deliberately showed it: "Boss, we have money, don't listen to the kid's jokes."

"It's not too much money." The boss whispered.

It's really not much, only a few dozen yuan, but feeding Yu Yuanyuan shouldn't be a problem.

This question actually made He Chen not very confident in answering it by himself.

Xiao Zai Zai couldn't read, so the ordering was left to He Chen.

The two of them, combined with Yu Yuanyuan's appetite, ordered three dishes and one soup, none of which had chili peppers.

He Chen can rinse off the oil and water before eating, but the ratio of these foods is light and delicious, not greasy, and suitable for children.

"Huh? It seems so."

"What is it?"


There were whispers of people talking at the cashier counter diagonally ahead, and while He Chen was waiting for his meal, he always felt that someone was looking at them.

Looking at the direction from the corner of his eye, He Chen really saw a woman whispering something to the boss.

Shouldn't you still worry about them eating the overlord's meal?

He may have taken out all the money in advance and showed it to the boss!
"Little friend, would you like some small wontons? The chicken soup is very fragrant." A middle-aged woman walked over slowly and put the bowl in her hand on the table.

He Chen's eyes widened suddenly and he looked at Xiao Zai Zai, "You ordered quietly?" in his eyes.

After receiving the accurate signal, Xiao Zai Zai weakly shook his head, and even though his saliva was almost drooling from the smell of wontons, he immediately waved his hands in denial.

"Boss, we didn't..."

The middle-aged woman smiled, and simply pushed the wonton in front of Yu Yuanyuan: "I know you didn't order it, but I gave it to you. I am the proprietress."

"Ah, here," He Chen smiled embarrassedly, looked at Yu Yuanyuan's shining eyes, and simply thanked him directly: "Thank you."

The wontons were put down, but the proprietress didn't leave, and kept circling around their table.

Finally, as if he couldn't bear it anymore, he quickly turned around and asked softly, "Who are you, this little doll?"

This tone... Could it be that he suspected that he was abducting and trafficking children?

He Chen imagined a bunch of chain reactions by himself, and tried to smile to make himself look amiable: "I'm her brother."

"Yes, brother delicious~~" Xiao Zai Zai emphasized sweetly.

Unexpectedly, the proprietress still didn't leave, but took out her mobile phone and handed it to them: "This little doll is the one in this video..."

He Chen also accidentally saw this video before, and it was Yu Zaizai's "Big Bad Guy" video that became popular overnight.

At that time, he didn't know who Xiao Zai Zai's father was.

The current him... Knowing too much is not a good thing.

"It seems so." He Chen vaguely felt that things were a little crooked.

When the proprietress heard this, she clapped her hands excitedly: "I'll just say yes, the real person looks cuter than the online videos, like a fake doll, oh my god, it's so cute."

So...he met Yuanyuan's fans?

He, He Chen, has 170 million fans on Weibo, but he didn't meet his own fans today, but met Yu Yuanyuan's fans first?

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