The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 571 Half-siblings

This is still not on the show.

If the show is broadcast, wouldn't it be possible to have more fans than him? ?
He Chen suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis, and the alarm bell sounded that a (over) popular idol was about to be replaced!

"Hey, isn't this Yuanyuan?" Xiao Zai Zai had already started eating small wontons, and he still didn't forget to talk to the proprietress.

Seeing that the children had admitted it, the proprietress pulled the bench and sat down even more enthusiastically.

"Yeah, Yuanyuan is so cute. Auntie likes Yuanyuan so much. I can't get enough of watching this video dozens of times a day." The proprietress narrowed her eyes as she spoke, smiling like a blooming effect around her. .

As soon as Xiao Zaizai heard someone say that she likes her, she immediately smiled greasy mouth: "Thank you, auntie~~ Yuanyuan also likes auntie."

"Oh my god, the little one said he likes me." The proprietress, who looked steady, groaned while holding her heart.

"Serve the food!" The boss, who was still fierce before, personally brought up three large plates.

The plate was so big that the more He Chen looked at it, the more guilty he felt.

"Boss, did you make a mistake? The dishes I ordered are not expensive." He Chen suspected that the boss was secretly increasing the amount, but he was embarrassed to ask directly.

His poor scruffy wallet couldn't stand topping up.

"Oh, there is no price increase if you increase the quantity, eat with confidence, just eat." The boss who was worried about them eating the king's meal just now smiled like a kind Maitreya Buddha.

"Eat, eat, eat, it's all for you." The proprietress lovingly touched the cub's head, her movements were gentle and careful, as if she was touching a fragile baby.

As soon as she heard that there was a free meal, Yu Yuanyuan kept holding the spoon in her hand.

However, what the proprietress said made He Chen a little flustered.

Treat Yu Yuanyuan to eat, what about him?Does he eat for free or for a fee?

He Chen didn't dare to eat too much, Yu Yuanyuan took one bite, he only took one bite, he ate carefully, watching people's expressions.

The proprietress who had been talking to Yuanyuan finally noticed him, and said enthusiastically, "Young people, eat more, and you won't be charged. Eat more."

"Yes, yes, yes," He Chen dared to pick up a few more vegetables, "Thank you, thank you."

"However, you two siblings don't look alike at all." The proprietress didn't want to disturb Xiao Zai Zai's meal, so she simply turned the chat target to He Chen, "Are you cousins? Cousins? Are you really brothers and sisters?"

Humans have only one head.

I have to eat, I have to think about questions, and I have to answer questions...

Where can I take care of this?
With something to eat in his mouth, He Chen hurriedly said, "A half brother and sister."

Boss lady: "..."

Saying it means not saying it.

Tian was chattered to death, but the rescue was ineffective, and the proprietress continued talking to Xiao Zai Zai instead.

He Chen had to admire Yu Yuanyuan, her mouth needed to eat as well as talk, but her mind was clear, no matter how busy she was, she arranged everything properly.

"So, you guys are actually filming a show now? Huh? Where is the camera?" The proprietress looked around curiously, but couldn't find it after looking through the entire storefront.

Yu Yuanyuan didn't believe it, and looked around for herself, and the meat in her mouth fell back into the bowl in fright: "Ah, we accidentally lost the cameraman Susu!"

"Do you want to go to the door? Maybe it's outside?" The proprietress enthusiastically pointed to the door.

Xiao Zaizai, who was shocked one second, lowered his head the next second and continued to cook: "Let's eat first."

He Chen: Even if the sky falls, it won't affect your cooking!

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